| ![]() MIL-V-15508B Marking. The following information shall be cast in raised letters on the
body of the main valve:
Manufacturer's name or trademark
Location of bridge wall
The following information shall be either cast in raised letters or stamped with a round
bottom stamp on a raised pad cast on the body of the main valve:
Specification MIL-V-15508
Direction of flow
3.3.5 Inlet and outlet connections. Inlet and outlet connections of the main valve
shall be integral with the body. The connection shall be either flanged or silver brazing
union end type, as specified (see 6.1). When silver brazing union end connections are
specified, the dimensions shall conform to the applicable requirements of MIL-F-1183, When
union ends are required, the valve shall have the thread piece integral with the body, and
shall be furnished complete with union rings and tail pieces. Flanged connections shall
conform to dimensions specified in MIL-F-20042 with drilling in accordance with MIL-F-20042
unless otherwise specified (see 6.1). All flanges on the valve shall be finished on the
gasket mating surface as specified in MIL-F-20042. Valve bore to be chamfered to match
dimension "T" of MIL-F-20042.
3.3.6 Bonnet or dome. The valve bonnet or dome shall be designed to withstand the
highest control pressure to which it will be subjected in the specified working range.
Where the bonnet or dome and body incorporate valve stem guides, the bonnet or dome and
body mating flanges shall be provided with a positive means to facilitate and maintain
alignment of the valve stem guides to insure free movement at any angle of valve installation
in service.
Stuffing boxes.
Packed stuffing boxes shall not be used.
3.3.8 Valve discs and stems. Valve discs and stems shall be positively guided in such
a manner as to prevent binding or seizing due to lateral or angular thrust, to insure pro-
per seating. Valve discs shall be single seated.
Valve seats shall be separate from the body and of a renewable type.
3.3.10 Springs. Springs shall be so designed that they will not be fully compressed
under normal operation or adjustment within the designed working range of the valve. Wh e n
removed from the valve and compressed solid, the springs shall not take a permanent set
exceeding 0.10 inch per inch of face length of spring after a period of 10 minutes, at the
time the valve is submitted for test.
Valves shall operate freely and smoothly when installed in any
There shall be no hunting, chattering, pounding or excessive noise conditions
under normal operation.
3.3.12 Valve operating
The method of operation shall be electrical or
mechanical , as specified Mechanical operating mechanism. Mechanical operating mechanism, when speci-
fied, shall be of the linkage type designed to permit the use of cable, pulleys and pull
boxes. Provision shall be made for automatically and positively holding the pilot valve
open or closed.
3. 3.12.2 Electrical operating mechanism. When specified (see 6.1), pilot valves
shall be furnished complete with electrical controls in accordance with MIL-C-2212. The
controls shall be of a design approved by the command or agency concerned for the purpose
intended, and shall conform to the following classification requirements, except that
enclosure shall be splashproof in accordance with MIL-E-2036:
Voltage ----------440 volts.
(shunt coils which are energized by a momentary
contact pushbutton shall be capable of being energized for
5 minutes without exceeding a temperature use of
Insulation ------ Class A.
Master switch --- Remote (2-element momentary contact pushbutton station)
not to be furnished by contractor,
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