| MIL-V-17360E Siphon tube. When specified (see 6.2.1), a siphon tube shall be
securely fastened to the valve body. It shall be fabricated of a nonferrous
metal with a heavy copper base and shall be as shown on figure 1. The length o.
the siphon tube shall be such that when the valve is inserted in the cylinder,
the tube shall extend to within approximately 0.5 inch of the cylinder bottom. Pressure-relief device. The valve shall be fitted with a pressure-
relief device as specified in
3.4 Performance characteristics.
3.4.1 Corrosion resistance. The valve shall operate after exposure to the
salt spray atmosphere as specified in 4.5.4. There shall be no sign of corrosion
in the valve.
3.4.2 Shock. The valve shall operate following the high-impact shock tests
as specified in 4.5.5.
3.4.3 Discharge characteristics. Class B valve. The class B valve shall permit the continuous dis-
charge to gas point of the contents of a nominal 15-pound charge of carbon dioxide
in not less than 8 seconds nor more than 35 seconds when tested in accordance with
The term "gas point", as used herein, is defined as the time when the
combined snow and gas discharge changes into a purely gaseous condition. Class C valve. The class C valve shall permit the continuous
discharge to gas point of the contents of a nominal 50-pound charge of carbon
dioxide in not more than 20 seconds when tested in accordance with 4.5.6.
3.4.4 Temperature range. The valve shall operate over a temperature range
of minus 40 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit (F) when tested in accordance with 4.5.7
and 4.5.8.
The valve shall show no leakage when tested as specified in
3.4.5 Leakage.
3.5 Identification marking. Each valve shall be marked in a permanent
manner with the name or trademark of the manufacturer. In addition, the follow-
ing marking shall be stamped or cast on the opposite side of the body:
"Full . . . . . . . . . . pounds
Empty . . . . . ....pounds"
3.6 Drawings. When specified in the contract or order, drawings shall be
prepared (see 6.2.2).
3.7 Workmanship. The valves shall be of the configuration, materials,
and thread types as specified herein, and shall contain no visible defects or
foreign materials. They shall operate as specified herein without malfunction
or irregularities.
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