| ![]() MIL-V-24642(SH)
3.7 Technical data. The contractor shall prepare drawings and a tech-
nical manual in accordance with the data ordering documents included in the
contract or order (see 6.2.2).
3.7.1 Drawings. In addition to the drawing content required by the
data ordering document (see 6.2.2), the following, unique technical features
shall be included:
Accurately scaled sectional assembly which clearly depicts
the design and construction of the valve.
Bill of material listing specification, grade, condition, and
any other data required to fully identify the properties of the
Dimensions - overall, accessibility space, including disassembly
clearances, and all other dimensions pertinent to installation.
Estimated weight and center of gravity and any limitations
on installation of valve which must be noted and approved by
the contracting activity prior to manufacture of the first
Reference to any previous shock and vibration for valve and
test report numbers.
Details of the seat, disc, and stem assembly and all other
replaceable internal trim.
Recommended assembly torques, or equivalent procedures, for
making up all joints and threaded assemblies.
Table of seal dimensions and a tabulation of required gasket
characteristics including all dimensions (with tolerances)
and load versus compression characteristics (with tolerances).
Table of spring data.
Designed flow coefficient.
Mark areas to be radiographer, magnetic particle or liquid
penetrant inspected.
identify all weld joint types.
State all references to MIL-STD-278.
3.7.2 Technical manual. In addition to the general requirements
covered by the data ordering document (see 6.2.2) and as part of the Technical
Manual Contract Requirement (TMCR), the following unique technical features
shall be included:
(a) The engineering drawings for the valve (including certification
data sheet). Drawings shall be supplemented by additional
illustrations where necessary to adequately illustrate the
operation and maintenance.
(b) Table listing wrench sizes and assembly torques (or other
equivalent procedures for making up all joints and threaded
(c) Instructions to permit overhaul by shipyard or other repair
facility. These should include procedures for checking all
critical dimensions subject to wear or change and the accept-
able dimensional limits, surface finish condition, etc. Also ,
the appropriate procedure (that is, part replacement, correc-
tion at repair facility, or repair at manufacturer's facility)
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