| ![]() MIL-V-25023B
3.9.1 Accessibility.- The part number shall, when practicable, be located
to permit being read alter assembly in the complete unit.
3.9.2 use of AN or MIL designations.- AN or MIL designations shall not be
applied to a product, except for qualification test samples, nor referred to
in correspondence, until notice of approval has been received from the activity
responsible for qualification.
3.10 Workmanship ,- Attention shall be given to neatness and thoroughness of
assembly, alignment of parts, tightness of assembly screws and bolts, marking
of parts, painting, and removal of burrs and sharp edges.
3.10.1 Cleaning .- All parts shall be clean and free from dirt, sand, metal
chips, and other foreign matter during and after assembly.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection.- Unless otherwise specified in the con-
tract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of
all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified,
the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any other commercial laboratory
acceptable to the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any
of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are
deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed require-
4.2 Classification of tests.- The inspection and testing of drain valves
shall be classified as follows:
(a) Qualification inspection
(b) Quality conformance inspection
Qualification inspection.-
4.3.1 Sampling instructions.- The qualification inspection samples submitted
shall consist of four fuel drain valves of each manufacturer's part number upon
which qualification is desired. Two of these valves shall have been tested by
the manufacturer in accordance with this specification prior to being forwarded
to the testing facility. (Each MS part number shall be qualified separately. )
These valves shall be accompanied by one complete set of detail and assembly
drawings and a complete test report showing results of the manufacturers tests.
These drawings shall be in accordance with MIL-D-1000. The test report shall
indicate conformance with all requirements of this specification, referring
specifically to the applicable paragraphs in the specification and shall include
photographs showing any sign of deterioration, corrosion, or wear. Samples shall
be forwarded to the activity responsible for qualification designated in the
letter of authorization from that activity (see 6.3), plainly identified by securely
attached durable tags marked with the following information:
Sample for qualification test
MS Part No.
Name of manufacturer
Submitted by (name) (date) for test in accordance with require-
ments of MIL-V-25023E under authorization (reference author-
izing letter).
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