| ![]() MIL-V-25023B
4.6.9 Burst pressure .- With the valve in the closed position, it shall be
subjected to a fuel pressure of 180
psi on the inlet port and the outlet
open to atmosphere for a minimum period of 1 minute. There shall be no
evidence of distortion or other damage to the valve. When the pressure is
lowered to 60 psi, there shall be no evidence of external leakage from any
portion of the valve.
4.6.10 Disassembly and inspection.- The valve shall be disassembled and
inspected. There shall be no evidence of major deterioration, corrosion, or
undue wear.
4.6.11 Packaging, packing, and marking .- Reparation for delivery shall be
examined for conformance with section 5.
5.1 Reservation, packaging, and packing.- Reservation, packaging, and
packing shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-794.
5.2 MarkiNg of shipments.- In addition to any special marking required by
the contract or order, unit packages, intermediate packages, and shipping con-
tainers shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
6.1 intended use.- The fuel drain valves covered by this specification are
intended to drain fuel or water from low points in aircraft fuel systems. The
valve discharge is intended to be vented to the atmosphere.
6.2 Ordering data.- Procurement documents should specify the following:
Title, number, and date of this specification
MS part number of valve required (see 3.3.1)
Applicable levels of packaging and packing
6.3 Qualification.- With respect to products requiring qualification, awards
will be made only for such products as have, prior to the time set for opening
of bids, been tested and approved for inclusion in the applicable Qualified
Products List, whether or not such products have actually been so listed by
that date. The attention of the suppliers is called to this requirement, and
manufacturers are urged to arrange to have the products that they propose to
offer to the Federal Government tested for Qualification in order that they
may be eligible to be awarded contracts or orders for the products covered by
this specification. The activity responsible for the Qualified Products List
is Systems Engineering Group, Attn: SEJIF, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,
Ohio 45433, and information pertaining to qualification of products may be obtained
from that activity.
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