| ![]() MIL-V-27296C
* Pressure regulation. Pressure sources A and B,as shown on figure 6,shall be capable of being
regulated from 0 to at least 20 inches of water pressure (gauge). Pressure source B shall be capable of being
regulated between 0 to at least 14 inches of water pressure (gauge) with a maximum flow of 100 liters per minute.
The vacuum source shall be capable of being regulated within the range of 0 to 15 inches of water (gauge) vacuum
at a flow of 1 liter per minute. Valve orintation for test. Unless otherwise specified, all valve tests shall be conducted with the axis
of the valve oriented so that the form of gravity shall tend to assist the exhalation valve in opening.
4.3.5 procedure for acceptable test In conducting these&s@ at least two points within the ranges specified
in the applicable test shall be obtained- One of these points shall include the maximum pressure or vacuum as
applicable, and the maximum flow, when applicable.
4.4 Qualification inspection.
4.4.1 Qualification samples. The qualification samples shall consist of two valves with the exception Of the
restraint cable retention pin and valve cap installation strength tests which shall consist of a sample of 20 valves.
Samples shall be identified with the manufacturer's own part number.
4.4.2 Test samples and test reports for the qualifying activity. The qualification test samples and three copies
of a qualification test report prepared in accordance with MIL-STD-831 shall be finished to the qualifying
4.4.3 Qualification inspection. The qualification inspection shall consist of all the tests described under 4.6.
4.5 Quality conformance inspection. The quality conformance inspection shall consist of:
a. Individual tests.
b. Sampling tests.
4.5.1 Individual tests. Each valve shall be subjected to the following tests as described under 4.6:
a. Examination of product.
b. Dumping.
c. Leakage - suction
d. Leakage suction low inlet valve.
e. Inhalation resistance.
f. Leakage - pressure.
g. Exhalation resistance.
h. Exhalation resistance - pressure breathing.
4.5.2 Sampling tests. Five valves manufactured under essentially the same conditions and submitted for
acceptance at substamtially the same time shall be selected at random from each lot of 500 valves, or fraction
thereof, and subjected to the following tests as described under 4.6:
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