| ![]() MIL-V-27296C
a. overload.
b. Capacity
c. Leakage - suction high inlet valve.
d. Burst pressure.
e. Reliability test.
f. Suction unseating of exhalation valve.
g. Restraint cable retention pin strength. Rejection and retest When one or more items from a lot fail to meet the specification, acceoptance of
all items in the lot shall be withheld until the extent and cause of failure have been determined. The contractor
Shall explain fully to the Government representative the cause of failure and the action taken to preclude
recurrence. After correction, all of the sampling tests shall be repeated. Individual tests may continue. For production reasons, individual tests maybe continued pending the
investigation of a sampling test failure; but final acceptance of the entire lot or lots produced later shall not be
made until it is determined that all items meet all the requirements of the specification.
4.5.3 Defects in items already accepted. The investigation of a test failure could indicate that defects may
to be found and the method of correcting them.
4.6 Test methods.
4.6.1 Examination of product. Each valve sha1l be carefully examined to determine COnfOrmance to the
requirements of this specification with respect to materials workmanship, design construction, and marking.
* 4.6.2 Dumping. With a regulator pressure of 0.5 to 14 inches of water (gauge), the flow shall be increased
from 1.0 to 150 liters per minute. The differential pressure shall not fall below 0.1 inch of water (gauge) (mask
pressure exceeding regulator pressure) at any time during this test.
4.6.3 Leakage - suction. The following test shall be performed: Close valves 1,2,3 and 8 and open valves 4,
5, and 7 shown on figure 6. Adjust the vacuum source within the range of O.3 to 15 inches on water (gauge)
vacuum as shorn on water column A. The leakage, read on rotometer 3, shall not exceed 0.1 liter per minute.
4.5.4 Leakage- suction, low inlet valve. A suction of 0.1 inch of water (gauge) shall be applied to the hose
attach port side of the valve. Back leakage through the inlet check valve shall be not more than 15 milliliters per
4.6.5 Inhalation resistance. The inhalation resistance of the valve shall not exceed 0.75 inch of water (gauge)
when exposed to a flow of 50 liters per minute and shall not exceed 1.50 inches of water (gauge) when exposed to a
flow of 100 liters per minute.
* 4.6.6 Leakage - pressure. The following test shall be performed: Open valves 1,2,3 and 7 and close valves
4, 5, and 8 shown on figure 6. Regulate pressure source B to obtian flow in the range of l.0 to 40 liters per
minute, read on the rotometers 1 and 2. Set pressure source A within the range of 0.5 to 14 inches of water
(gaige), read on water column A. Reduce pressure source B in order that a reading of 0 is obtained on water
column A. Reduce pressure source B in order that a reading of 0 is obtained on water column B. The reading
obtained on rotometer 2 shall not exceed 0.1 liter per minute.
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