| ![]() MIL-V-5525C
4.3" Classification of tests. The inspection
3.3 Travel, load, and pressure. Full plunger
travel shall give maximum pressure at the
and testing of power brake valves shall be
brake port of the' valve. The pressure versus
classified as follows:
travel curve shall be as shown on the applic-
(a) Preproduction tests
(see 4.4)
able specification control drawing. The exact
(b) Acceptance tests
(see 4.5)
requirements of pressure, 1oad, and travel
shall be governed by the brake system re-
4.4 Preproduction tests.
quirements. The pressure application and
release curves shall be smooth with a mini-
4.4.1 Sampling instructions. The preproduc-
mum indication of binding, sticking, or er-
tion test samples shall consist of two power
ratic action.
brake valves of each size upon which approval
3.4 Performance. The power brake assem- is desired. One of the samples shall be assem-
bled of parts to the adverse limits of the de-
bies shall satisfy the performance tests spe-
sign within a 10 percent of the worst toler-
cified in section 4 under paragraphs headed
ances providing minimum clearance between
as follows:
moving parts. The other sample shall be as-
(a) Proof pressure
sembled of parts to, the adverse limits of the
(b) Burst pressure
design within + 10 percent of the worst tol-
(c) Leakage
erances providing maximum clearance between
moving parts. The samples shall be identified
(d) Endurance
as required and forwarded to the activity re-
(e) Pressure compensation
sponsible for testing. (See 6.2).
(f) Immersion -
(g) Extreme temperature
4.4.2 Tests. The preproduction tests of hy-
draulic power brake valves shall consist of all
the tests of this specification as described un-
3.5 Markings. All ports shall be clearly and der 4.7 "Test methods."
permanently marked to facilitate identifica-
4.5 Acceptance tests. The acceptance tests
shall consist of individual tests and sampling
4.1 Unless otherwise specified herein, the
4.5.1 Individual tests. Each power brake
supplier is responsible for the performance of
valve shall be subjected to the following tests,
all inspection requirements prior to submis-
as described under 4.7 "Test methods."
sion for Government inspection and accept-
ance. Except as otherwise specified, the sup-
(a) Examination of product
plier may utilize his own facilities or any com-
(b) Output pressure
mercial laboratory acceptable to the Govern-
(c) Leakage
ment. Inspection records of the examinations
(d) Proof pressure
and tests shall be kept complete and available
(e) Output pressure and load (
to the Government as specified in the contract
or order.
4.5.2 Sampling tests. Sample brake valves
4.2 General, The quality assurance provi-
shall be selected from each inspection lot in
sions of Specification MIL-H-8775 shall apply
accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105 at
as quality assurance provisions of this speci-
inspection level II using an acceptable quality
fication with the exceptions and additions
level (AQL) of 1.0 percent defective for the
specified herein. When the two specifications
following tests described under 4.7 "Test
conflict, this specification shall govern.
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