| MIL-V-5527A
(May 1951) The manufacturer shall apply all the tests of this specification to valve
No. 2, with the exception of the low temperature functioning tests. The manufacturer shall
subject valve No. 1 to the low temperature functioning tests and inspection tests set
forth in this specification. Upon satisfactory completion of these tests, the manufacturer
shall forward one copy of a report of these tests and one set of detail and assembly draw-
ings of the valve to the Qualifying Agency designated in paragraph 6.5 of this specification.
with a copy to Air Development Force, with a letter stating that the manufacturer desires
to obtain Air Force-Navy qualification. Upon acceptance of the report and drawings by the
testing agency, notice of authorization of Qualification tests and shipping instructions for
the No. 1 and No. 2 valves will be forwarded to the manufacturer,
The two samples shall be plainly identified by securely attached durable
tags marked with the following information:
Sample for Qualification Test No.
Submitted by (name of manufacturer) (date) for
Qualification tests in accordance with the
requirements of Specification MIL-V-5527A under
authorization (reference to letter authorizing
the tests)
MS or AN Part No.
Manufacturer's Part No.
Name of Manufacturer
An additional copy of the test report and drawings shall accompany the sample units. Qualification of one type valve under this specification, may at the dis-
cretion of the services, be extended to other types of valves after performance of only
one or two minor tests, if all of the internal working parts are completely identical and
valve. For example, qualification of this type might be applied to valves hich differ
from previously qualified valves only insofar as port size, port location, external body
dimensions and external body configuration are concerned.
4.2.2 Tests. - Qualification tests of valves shall consist of all the tests of this
specification. The Qualification tests may be supplemented with tests under actual service
4.3 Inspection Tests. - The contractor shall furnish all samples and shall e
responsible for accomplishing the required tests. When inspection is conducted at the
contractor's plant, all inspection and testing shall be under the supervision of the Govern-
ment Inspector. Contractors not having laboratory testing facilities satisfactory to the
Government shall engage the services of a commercial testing laboratory acceptable to the
Procuring Service. The contractor shall maintain a record showing quantitative results
for all tests required by this specification. Acceptance or approval of material during
course of manufacture shall in no case be construed as a guaranty of the acceptance of
the finished product.
4.3.1 Sampling.- Each valve furnished under contract shall be subjected to the
Inspection tests specified herein. In addition, valves up to 2 percent of the contract
may be selected for any of the other tests specified herein which the Inspector considers
necessary to determine conformance with the requirements of this specification. Samples subjected to destructive tests shall be in addition to the quantity
specified in the contract or order, and shall be furnished without additional cost to
the Government.
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