| ![]() MIL-V-5527A
(May 1951)
4.3.2 Tests .- The inspection tests of valves shall consist of the following, and
as indicated above:
(a) Examination of Product
(b) Proof pressure
(c) Static Leakage
4.3.3 Rejection and Retest.- Failure of any valve subject to inspection tests.
to conform to any of the requirements of this specification shall be cause for rejection
of that valve and the valves represented. Valves which have been rejected may be reworked
or have parts replaced to correct the defects found in the original and resubmitted for
acceptance. Before resubmitting, full particulars concerning previous rejection and the
action taken to correct the defects found in the original shall be furnished the Inspector.
Valves rejected after retest shall not be resubmitted without the approval of the procuring
4.4 Test Conditions.-
4.4.1 Test Fluid.- Qualification teests shall be performed with oil conforming to
Specification MIL-O-5606. Inspection tests may be performed with oil conforming to either
Specification MIL-O-5606 or MIL-O-6083.
Temperatures.- Exceot where otherwise specified, the tests of this O specifi-
cation shall be at a room temperature between 21 and 32 C (70 and 90 F) and
an oil temperature between 21 and 43 C (70 and 110 F). The actual temperatures shall be
4.5 Test Methods.-
4.5.1 Examination of Product.- Each valve shall be carefully examined to determine
conformance with the requirements of this specification for workmanship, marking, con-
formance to applicable drawings, and any visible defects.
4.5.2.l Plastic Parts.- Valves containging plastic parts shall be tested in accord-
ance with Specification MIL-P-5517 in addition to the tests specified herein. Other Nonmetallic Parts.- Valves containg nonmetallic parts other than
plastic parts or AN standard seals in AN standard glands shall be immersed in hydraulic
fluid for a period of 7 days at a temperature of 70 10C (158 20F) prior to conducting
the Qualification tests specified herein. All internal parts shall be in contact with the
fluid during this period. If this test is necessary as a result of the use of nonstandard
packing installations and if the packings pass over holes, ports, step diameters, etc.,
anti/or if the inside diameter, outside diamter, or sides of the seal are unrestrained
during any part of their normal operation, the packings used in the test samples shall be
fabricated of the approved AN packing compound having the highest swell, and the fluid
used shall be the approved hydraulic fluid having the highest swell producing characteris-
tics. (The Services will designate the applicable high swell packing compound and fluid
upon request.) After the above immmersion, the valve shall remain in the high swell fluid
at normal room temperature until ready for test. It shall not be exposed to air for any
appreciable length of time during the tests.
4.5.3 Proof Pressure.- After bleeding all air from the valve, and plugging all
ports except the pressure port, a proof pressure of 3,150 psi for the Class A valve, or
6,150 psi for the Class B or Class AB valve, shall be applied at the pressure port for at
least 2 minutes. Any evidence of external leakage, failure, or permanent set, shall be
cause for rejection.
4.5.4 Valve Setting.- Tests described herein, under Static Leakage, Dynamic Leakage
and Flow and Extreme Temperature Operation shall be conducted with the valve adjusted to
deliver rated flow at the minimum pressure setting indicated in table I, and the setting
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