| ![]() MIL-V-62475(AT) Pintle mount. The breakaway force, at the pintle mount, needed to move the M60
machine gun from a locked position shall not be less than 45 lbs (200 N). The force required
after breakaway to move the mount along the traversing rail without binding shall be not more
than 15 lbs (67 N) (see Ventilated face mask (VFM) system. The M1Al-19 ventilated face mask collective
filter system shall be provided to allow an M25-A1 ventilated face mask to be hooked up at each
of the four crew stations. The air flow rate at each VFM air hose shall be 3.0-4.5 cubic feet per
minute (cfm) [14.1-21.2 cubic meter per second (cu m/sec)] at 2.0-4.8 inches water gage static
pressure (0.5-1.2 kPa). The heater control shall warm the air to above the vehicle ambient
temperature after one minute of operation (see Smoke grenade system. The FISTV vehicle shall accept a self-screening protective
smoke system consisting of two grenade launchers, each holding four smoke grenades. When
the smoke grenade launcher power control selector is on, the indicator illuminated, and the firing
switches activated, supply voltage at the launcher grenade terminals shall correspond to vehicle
battery voltage (see Electromagnetic radiation (EMI/EMC). The FISTV vehicle shall be radio
interference suppressed in accordance with tactical vehicle provisions for class IIIA of
MIL-STD-461, notice 4, except as noted in b and c below. GFE equipment not meeting this
requirement shall not be cause for noncompliance (see
Specific areas of required compliance are:
a. For modified M113A2 chassis:
RE 05 [14 kilohertz (kHz) to 16 megahertz (MHz)]
CE 07 (1.5 MHz to 65 MHz)
For M901 (ITV) common items:
RE 02 (14 kHz to 1000 MHz)
CE 04 (50 kHz to 50 MHz)
For M981 (FISTV) peculiar items:
CE 01 Conducted Emission, Power Leads (30 Hz-50 kHz)
CE 04 Conducted Emission, Power Leads (50 kHz-50 MHz,
Boadband noise only).
CE 07 Conducted Emissions, Power Leads, Spikes, Time Domain
(1.5 MHz-65 MHz).
CS 01 Conducted Susceptibility, Power Leads (30 kHz-50 kHz)
CS 02 Conducted Susceptibility, Power Leads (50 kHz-400 MHz)
CS 06 Spike, Power Leads (50 kHz-400 MHz)
RE 05 Broadband Radiated Emissions (14 kHz-16 MHz)
RS 02 Magnetic Induction Field-Spike
RS 03 Radiated Susceptibility (10 kHz-12.4 GHz)
b. Mission essential equipment shall be tested in accordance with the applicable test of
MIL-STD-461, notice 4 for that type of equipment.
c. The vehicle horn and turret hydraulic pump motor are excluded.
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