| MIL-V-81995/6(AS)
Burn In. Each ATSCV component which includes an electronic part shall be
subject to the following burn-in procedure, which includes six complete
temperature cycles between -67 to +158F and ten minutes of vibration while
stabilized at each temperature extreme. Complete functional testing shall be
performed at each temperature extreme. Temperature, vibration, functional
testing, and time requirements are as follows:
Temperature extremes shall be maintained at -71 to -63F (-57 to
-53C) on cold cycles and 154 to 162F (68 to 72C) on hot cycles.
The time required on the cold cycle shall include twenty minutes
minimum stabilization after reaching the cold temperature range and
before beginning vibration and functional testing. Transition from
hot to cold shall not exceed one hour.
The time required on the hot cycle shall include one hour and forty
minutes minimum stabilization after reaching the hot temperature
range and before beginning vibration and functional testing.
Transition from cold to hot shall not exceed forty minutes.
d. Units shall be non-operative during transition and stabilization on
the cold temperature cycles. They shall be operative during
transition and stabilization on the hot temperature cycles, being
activated with right and left starts on alternate cycles.
Vibration and functional testing shall be concurrent after the
stabilization period at each temperature extreme. Vibration
requirements are 2.5 0.5 G's at a frequency of 35 10 Hz for 10
minutes minimum.
Vibration. Components shall be subjected to a vibration test in accordance
with MIL-STD-810, Method 514, Equipment Category b.2, Procedure IA. Tests
shall be conducted in accordance with Table 514-IIA and curve "A" of Figure
514-2A. Components may be tested in test assemblies or as individual units.
During test, the component shall be subjected to its maximum limiting
component temperature specified in the model specification.
Individual Test/Acceptance Test:
Additional tests required are:
Switch Operation
Insulation Resistance
Dielectric Strength
Proof Pressure
Production Duty Cycle per Table I
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