| ![]() MIL-V-81995(AS)
Cycling endurance test. The valve shall be subjected
to the following cycling tests at room temperatures in addition to the
frequency scan and resonance endurance tests. The valve shall be mounted
as specified in and shall be vibrated at the displacements and
accelerations defined in the specification sheet with the frequency
continuously varied between the specified limits in a cycle of approximately
15 minutes. The rate of change of frequency shall be proportional to
the frequency. The total test time shall be 1-1/2 hours. This test
shall be repeated along each of three mutually perpendicular axes. The
cycling test may be broken into convenient frequency ranges, provided
the cycling rates and test times for each range are not changed.
Recalibration. The valve shall be subjected to a
calibration as specified in 4.5.1. Failure of the unit to meet performance
requirements of the specification sheet shall be cause for rejection.
Teardown and inspection. The valve shall be completely
disassembled for examination and measurements of all parts. The qualifica-
tion test shall be considered complete when every component of the valve
has been subjected to and has satisfactorily completed the specified
amount of qualification testing without disclosing excessively worn,
distorted or damaged parts which would prohibit satisfactory operation
of the unit.
Due t. . The valve shall he subjected to dust tests in
both operating and nonoperating conditions. Leakage shall be measured
both before and after the test. All cycles shall be conducted using
maximum engine interbleed conditions. Failure of the valve to meet the
performance requirements of the specification sheet shall be cause for
Part I, Nonoperating. The valve shall be subjected
to a dust test in accordance with Method 510, Procedure I, of MIL-STD-
810 while the valve is inoperative.
Part II, Operating. The valve shall be cycled 50
times while being supplied with contaminated air in accordance with
Method 51O, Procedure I, of MIL-STD-81O, except the air shall be supplied
at maximim inlet conditions.
Rain. The valve shall be subjected to a rain test
In accordance with M~d 506, Procedure I, of F!IL-STD-81O. Rated inlet
conditions shall be used for the test cycles.
`,, Low temperature. The valve shall be subjected to a
low temperature test in accordance with Table IV.
!&!i&* The valve shall be subjected to a fungus
test In accordance with Method 508, Procedure I, of KIL-STD-81O. The
valve shall be operated before and after the test at rated inlet conditions.
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