| ![]() MIL-V-81995(AS)
Salt fog. The valve shall be subjected to a 50-hour
salt fog test in accordance with Method 509, Procedure I, of MIL-STD-
810. The valve shall be operated before and after the test period as
specified in MIL-STD-81O. Rated inlet conditions shall be used for all
Table IV.
Low temperature test procedure
Humidity. The valve shall be subjected to a humidity
test consisting of 50 cycles (each cycle shall consist of varying the
humidity from 40 to 95 to 40 percent within 30 minutes while maintaining
a temperature of 125 + 25F) (52 + 140C). The equipment specified in
MIL-STB81O, Method 50~ shall be ut~lized. The valve shall be operated
before and after the test. At the end of the test the valve shall be
subjected to an ambient temperature of -650 + 5oF (-54 + 3C) for 5
hours without drying, shaking, or othe~ise =emoving con~ensed water
from the valve. At the end of the 5-hour cold soak period, the valve
shall be operated for one cycle. Rated inlet air conditions shall be
used for all cycles. The valve shall be mounted in the actual aircraft
orientation during this test to allow for normal drainage.
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