| ![]() MIL-V-82443(OS)
Temperature and humidity, non-operating condition. Four
preproduction valves shall be subjected, in the non-operating condition,
to temperature and humidity cycling in the following manner: The specimen
shall be placed in a temperature chamber which has been stabilized at an
environmental temperature of -45 F +0 -5 F. The specimen shall
remain in the environment for 6 hours. (As an alternative procedure, the
specimen may be placed in the chamber, with the chamber at roomamvient
temperature. Chamber temperature shall then be reduced to -45 F +0 -5 F
within 2 hours maximum. The specimen shall thereafter remain in the chamber
for 4 hours). The specimen shall then be subjected to an environmental
temperature of +140 F +5 F -0 F. Maximum transition time from the
low temperature to the high temperature shall be 2 hours. The specimen
shall remain in the high temperature environment for 4 hours. This
cycle shall be performed 3 times: maximum transition time shall be 2
hours. The specimen shall subsequently be subjected to an environment of
+110 F +5 -0 F at a minimum relative humidity of 95 percent for a
minimum of 8 hours. Thereafter, 2 valves shall be operated in accordance
with and 2 valves shall be operated in accordance with
Prior to operation the valves may be wiped dry. Drying by an air blast
or oven is not permitted.
Low temperature operating. Before testing, the valve,
installed in its test chamber in the ready condition, shall be conditioned
at a temperature of 0 F * 5 F for a period of 1 hour. The valve shall
then be operated in accordance with and meet the requirements of at an environmental temperature of +32 F 5 F. The valve
shall thereafter meet the requirements of 4.4.4,14 through
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