| MIL-W-14969 (MU)
comply with the inspection criteria. If only one (1) warhead fails,
a retest is permissible as follows: For retest, a new sample,
consisting of 46 warheads randomly selected from the lot shall be
subjected-to the drop test in accordance with 4.4.7. If one or
more warheads fail to comply with the inspection criteria, the lot
shall be rejected. Inspection Criteria - The warheads shall be
subjected to and comply with a Hydrostatic and Air test in accord-
ance with and There shall be no visual evidence of
cracklike discontinuities on the surface of the warheads after the
Hydrostatic and Air tests, This Is considered to be a destructive
4.3.4 Inspection Equipment, - Equipment Tabulation Number
ET-9238883 identifies the inspection equipment required to
perform the examinations and tests prescribed in this section. The
contractor shall design inspection equipment in accordance with
the instructions in paragraph 6.3. Government rights to documentation. - Inspection
equipment drawings and lists provided and revised in accordance
with the requirements of the ET may be used by DOD activities
for design, procurement, manufacture, testing, evaluation, pro-
duction and receiving inspection, overhaul, shipping, storage,
Identification of stock, ordering and storage of replacement
parts, inspection of items at overhaul, general maintenance of
equipment, construction, survey and whenever inspection equipment
drawings are needed. Supply and Maintenance. - Supply and maintenance of
the equipment listed on the ET shall be in accordance with
Specification MIL-I-45607.
4.4 Test Methods and Procedures
4.4.1 Hardness Test on Base. - After final heat treatment,
the hardness test shall be performed on the base. Procedures for
this test are as prescribed by Federal Test Method Standard No. 151
Method 242.1,
4.4.2 Hardness Test on Nose, Elongated, - After final
heat treatment, the hardness test shall be performed on the nose,
elongated, between the bourrelets. Procedures for this test are
as prescribed by Federal Test Method Standard No. 151. Method
4.4.3 Tension Test on Nose, Elongated, - Two tension test
specimens conforming to a standard "R" type specimen as prescribed
by Federal Test Method Standard No. 151 shall be taken longitudinally
from each sample. Samples shall be taken 1.800 apart between
bourrelets. The criteria for determining yield strength and
elongation shall be as prescribed by Federal Test Method Standard
No. 151 Method 211.1.
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