| MIL-W-14969 (MU)
4.4,4 Tension Test on Base, - From the samples provided
in accordance with one tensile test specimen conforming
to a standard "R" type specimen as prescribed by Federal Test Method
Standard No. 151 shall be taken from the bottom of each base. The
criteria for determining yield strength and elongation shall be as
prescribed by Federal Test Method Standard No. 151, Method 211.1.
4.4.5 Hydrostatic Test - (see - The metal parts
assembly shall be hydrostatically tested using equipment capable
of performing the test accurately and consistently. In perfor-
ming the test, the pressure will be applied gradually until the
required minimum pressure is reached, after which the pressure
will be held for a minimum of 5 seconds. The equipment shall be
calibrated prior to the start. of each day's operation, at intervals
of not over 2 hours of continuous operation, and prior to re-
starting the operation after a layoff of 1 hour or more.
4.4,6 Air Pressure Test - (see 4,3.3.5). - Body assemblies
that have passed the hydrostatic test shall be mounted in an
approved fixture in such a manner that the body assembly will
be completely submerged in water. The air pressure shall be
applied and held for a minimum of 15 seconds.
4.4.7 Drop Test. - Warheads from a sample as provided in
accordance with shall be dropped from a height of 5 feet
onto a steel plate having a minimum thickness of 3 inches and a
brinell hardness of at least 207. The steel plate shall be solidly
supported in a horizontal plane over its entire bearing area by a
minimum thickness of 24 inches of concrete. The steel plate shall
have a smooth flat surface and shall have a length and width of at
least 36 inches. The plate shall be surrounded on all four sides
by a heavy steel enclosure of sufficient height and strength to
contain the warheads during rebounds. The 5 foot height necessary
to perform this test can be obtained by using a special steel
tower or derrick. The warheads will be dropped individually with
their longitudinal axis at 45 degrees to the horizontal base
down. The warhead shall be inert loaded to conform to the weight
and center of gravity of a HE warhead. An inert loaded 423 fuze
shall be attached to the inert warhead. The combined weight of
the inert warhead and fuze shall be 16.75 0.2 lbs. The center
of gravity is 14.25 0.5 from the forward end of the fuze.
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