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MIL-W-14969 (MU)
be approved by the Government prior to fabrication or procuring
of the equipment.  Designs shall be submitted for approval as
specified in 6.3.5.
6.3.2 Inspection equipment list codes. - The inspection
equipment as defined in 6.3.3 and 6.3.4 will be designated in
the EL by the following codes:
CD - Contractor design on controlled contractor format
and/or commercial equipment.
Mu - Army design, mandatory for use.
6.3.3 Army designs. - Army designs are reflected on de-
tailed drawings which completely depict all the information
necessary for the fabrication of the item of inspection equip-
ment.  The contractor need provide no design when an Army de-
sign is listed for an item of inspection equipment.  Army de-
signs fall into two basic classifications; mandatory (designated
"MU") and non-mandatory (indicated by drawing of Federal Stock
Number).  When an inspection equipment list references manda-
tory Army designs, the contractor shall comply with, and use
these designs accordingly.  The contractor may, however, in
connection with non-mandatory designs, and with the approval
of the Government, design alternate inspection equipment or
use comparable commercial equipment to facilitate his opera-
tions.  Such contractor prepared designs or commercial equip-
ment selections must be approved by the Government prior to
fabrication or procuring of the equipment.  Designs shall be
submitted for approval as specified in 6.3.5.
6.3.4 Contractor designs. - Contractor designs are designs
of inspection equipment for which the Government has assigned
design responsibility to the contractor.  Contractor designs
shall be supported by detailed drawings which depict all infor-
mation necessary to completely fabricate, calibrate and operate
an item of inspection equipment.  This requires that the neces-
sary views, dimensions, materials, finish, notes, operating
and calibration instructions be properly depicted in accordance
with approved practices to the extent that further calculation
or clarification will not be required.  Unless otherwise speci-
fied, contractor designs may be developed on the format the
contractor normally employs in his equipment design procedure
provided such format reflects the detail and information speci-
fied above, subject to the following controls:  All submitted
contractor designs shall conform to MIL-D-1000, Category E,
Form 2.  Legibility and reproducibility shall permit conven-
tional making of clearly understandable, high contrast repro-
ductions.  Contractors shall submit one copy of final designs
as a rolled set.  Designs shall be submitted for approval as
specified in 6.3.5.

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