| MIL-W-15805F(SHIPS)
be made without specific authorization by the Bureau
of Ships.
Threaded devices
3.3.2 Accuracy and response. -
Rounded corners and edges
Internal subassembly protection The equipment shall be designed so that
Drilled and tapped holes
the error of the wind speed indicator readings shall
not exceed the following values:
Temperature and humidity
Extreme temperature for exposed location
Accelerated life
3 to 45 knots plus or minus 1-1/2 knots.
45 to 60 knots plus or minus 2 knots.
Salt spray
60 to 80 knots plus or minus 2-1/2 knots.
Shock, vibration and inclination
80 to 100 knots plus or minus 3 knots.
Maximum starting wind speed -3 knots.
Primary power supply circuits
Maximum stopping wind speed -2 knots.
Power supply tolerances
Personnel protect ion The time response of the wind speed
Shielding and radio frequency noise reduction
transmitter shall be within the limits shown on
Ground potential and grounding
figure 1.
Electrical parts mounting The equipment shall be designed so that
Internal subassembly connection (Test cable
the error of the wind direction indicator readings
required )
shall not exceed the following values:
Terminal boards, connectors and terminals
Synchro connections and markings
(a) 1 to 3 knots minus 5 degrees.
(b) 3 to 8 knots minus 4 degrees.
Color coding
(c) 8 to 100 knots plus or minus 2 degrees.
Dial illumination
Electrical insulation The response of the wind direction indi-
Dielectric strength and insulation resistance
cation shall be, for any change in wind direction, at
the rate of 6-1/2 degrees 1-1/2 degree per second.
Airborne noise (grade C)
Structureborne noise
3.3.3 Continuous operation. -
Drawings - general
Drawings - preliminary All wind speed components shall be
Drawings - working
capable of continuous operation at full scale read-
Schematic diagrams
Wiring diagram
Drawing list All wind direction components shall be
Assembly drawings
capable of continuous rotation at a speed of 5 revolu -
Drawings - manufacturing
tions per minute (r.p.m.).
Bill of materials
Interchangeability and standardization
3.4 Detail requirements. -
Manuals (see 3.3. 1.2)
Repair parts
3.4.1 Wind direction and speed detector .- The
Repair parts (electronic )
detector shall be manufactured in accordance with
Designation and marking (serial numbers re-
Drawing 3331238. The detector shall provide a
means for generating and transmitting electrical
signals, indicative of wind direction and wind speed,
Item names and nomenclature
to the associated transmitter. The detector shall
Workmanship and general examination
consist of a streamlined vane and a three-blade im-
3.3. 1.1 Electron tubes. - Electron tubes shall be
peller mounted on a vane support (see figure 2).
Any movement of the vane and impeller blades shall
selected from the preferred types listed in MIL-STD-
be transmitted mechanically to size 1 HG synchro
generator in accordance with MIL-S-2335, housed Manuals - Manuals shall be in accord-
in the vane or vane support. The design shall be
ance with type I of MIL-M-15071. Deviations from
such that 100 knots of wind speed shall equal 190
previously approved existing manuals, except for
r. p. m. of the speed synchro generator. The wind
vane and vane support shall be of splashproof
the approval procurement and record page, shall not
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