| MIL-W-15805F(SHIPS)
contact shall be a silver alloy, 90 percent silver,
obstruction fabricated of nickel-copper alIoy. The
exposed nickel-copper alloy shall not be painted,
10 percent copper. Contact pressure shall be 20 2
but shall be finished by a sandblast using silica powder-
grams when tested with a spring scale pull. Mercury
825 mesh with an air line pressure of approximately
shall not be used in the fabrication of electrical
80 pounds per square inch (p.s. i.) and a nozzle size
contact parts, terminals, or terminal Iugs.
of 1/2- to 3/4-inch diameter. The impeller blades
shall be of molded plastic of type CFG of MIL-M-14.
3.4.2 Wind direction and speed transmitter -
The impeller shall contain a nickel-copper alloy nose
The wind transmitter shall be manufactured in ac-
cap with captive screw. A connector assembly
cordance with Drawing 3331239. The wind direc-
arrangement containing a Pyle National connector,
tion and speed transmitter shall contain, in a
dripproof enclosure designed for bulkhead mounting,
types AP-810 and AR-810, or equal shall be provided
to permit removal of the detector mechanism without
the mechanisms necessary to convert the input from
the wind direction and speed detector to relative
removing the base from the mounting pintel or dis-
turbing the ship's wiring cable. A raincap shall be
wind direct ion in degrees and relative wind speed in
provided to protect the connector when the detector
knots, and to transmit this intelligence to wind di-
rection and speed indications. The transmitter shall
mechanism is removed. The connector housing
shall contain a 3/4-inch National Pipe thread, class
be designed so that it shall be possible to remove
2 in accordance with Handbook H-28, pipe-plug for
and repair either the wind direction or wind speed
optional cable connector. The design of the detector
assembly of the mechanism without disturbing the
shall be such as to permit easy disassembling for
operation of the other assembly. The speed unit
boiling, cleaning, inspection, or replacement.
shall be a roIler disc type integrator which measures
the rotary motion of a receiving type 1 F synchro, in
accordance with MIL-S-2335, and displaces a Mounting. - The detector shall be de-
signed for mounting on the end of a l-inch diameter
transmitting' type 5G synchro, in accordance with
vertical pintel. The mounting arrangement shall
MIL-S-2335, at a rate (see figure 1) angularly pro-
provide a clamping fit and one 5/16-inch through
portional to rotor speed of the detector, that is,
wind speed. The discs shall be powered by a
bolt (see figure 2).
synchronous motor, Holtzer-Cabot model RBC
2505, or equal, which shall receive its power from Balance - The wind vane shall be stati-
the ship's service 120-volt, 60-cycle, a a.C. supply.
cally balanced to within 5 ounce-inches of true static
A low-limit cut-out switch shall be provided for
balance. The impeller shall be statically balanced
breaking the circuit to the constant speed synchro-
to within 10 gram-inches.
nous motor when the roller is at the center of the
disc, less than l/2-knot speed. The direction unit
3.4. 1.3 Rotor starting torque. - With the detector
shall contain a static type amplifier employing
mounted in the normal manner, the rotor shaft shall
either magnetic amplifier or solid state techniques
start to turn at a torque of 0.056 inch-ounce.
which receives angular displacements of the vane
of the detector. These angular displacements shall Direction vane torque. - With the detec-
be retransmitted to the indicator by a type 5G
tor mounted in the normal manner with its support
synchro, in accordance with MIL-S-2335, at a reduced
horizontal, the vane shall start to rotate at a torque
rate of 6-1/2 1.5 degrees per second. As re-
of 4.0 inch-ounces.
transmitted angular displacements are approximately
constant and are not at the same rate as the angular Size. - The complete detector assembly
displacements of the vane, damped indications are
shall weigh not more than 21 pounds, and shaIl not
provided. Means shall be incorporated in the wind
exceed the dimensions shown on figure 2.
direction assembly for adjusting the electrical posi-
tion of the aloft detector with respect to the fore and Shock - The detector assembly will not
aft axis of the ship. The units shaIl be bolted in the
be subjected to the shock requirements as outlined
case, and terminal boards shall be provided in the
in MIL-I-983.
case for incoming wires. no holes fitted with 1-
inch National pipe thread class 2 in accordance with Bearings - All bearings, including those
Handbook H-28 pipe plugs shall be provided for at-
used in the synchros, shall be "sealed-for-life" type,
taching stuffing tube fittings. Electrical connections
FF-B-171, annular ball bearings.
shall be made to each unit by plug-jack type term-
inals, Winchester types A18P and A18S, or equal.
3.4. 1.8 Electrical contact, alloy. - The com-
Power supply tolerances as specified in MIL-I-983
position of the stationary electrical contacts shall be
shall apply. In order to provide a means for ad-
a fine silver graphite alloy, 97 percent silver, 3
justing the transmitter, a method or methods shall
percent graphite. The material of the rotating
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