| ![]() MIL-W-15605(SHIPS) Fasteners - Fasteners manufactured
be incorporated in the wind direction and wind speed
from non -ferrous and corrosion-resisting steel
mechanisms to indicate accurately the magnitude of
alloys shall be used. No carbon or alloy steel
the transmittcd wind direction and wind speed signals.
fasteners in any form shall be used. Sensitivity - The wind direction assem- Enclosure - The enclosure shall be
bly shall be sufficiently sensitive so that when the
fabricated of cast aluminum alloy conforming to
wind vane is displaced 8 degrees from a 5-knot wind,
Commercial designation 356 T-6 or class 3M, type
it shall, upon release, meet the accuracy require-
T-6 of QQ-A-601. One coat of zinc chromate primer
ments of
followed by two coats of high grade semi-gloss
light gray equipment enamel. The anodizing, primer Size. - The transmitter shall be as small
and enamel coats shall be applied in accordance with
and Iightweight as practicable. but in no case shall
the best commercial practice.
dimensions and weight exceed the following exclusive
of terminal tubes: Illumination. - The illumination trans-
Height - 13-1/ 2 inches.
formers for the indicator lamps shall conform to
the applicable National Electrical Manufacturers
Width - 15-1/ 2 inches.
Association specification requirements. A power
Depth - 7-1/2 inches.
transformer for the Iighting circuit shall be located
Weight - 42 pounds.
in the housing. A variable resistor for controlling
( Figure 3 is provided for guidance only)
the light intensity shall be provided, and shall be
adjusted by a knob from the outside. The housing
3.4.3 Wind direction and speed indicators. - The
shall be provided with a cover which has two clear
wind indicator shall be manufactured in accordance
ports over the dials.
with type B of Drawing 3331241. The indicators
shall contain, in a watertight enclosure, the mech-
3.4.4 Wind direction and wind speed recorder. -
anism incorporating size 1 F synchros, as specified
in MIL-S-2335. to receive signals from the wind The wind direction and wind speed re-
direction and speed transmitter, and to indicate the
corder shall be a two-element recorder that simul-
relative wind direction in degrees and the apparent
taneously produces, in separate channels, inked
wind speed in knots. The indicator shall contain two
traces of wind direction and speed values on a con-
independent units. one for direction and the other
tinuous paper chart, when connected electrically to
for speed. Electrical connections shall be made to
a wind direction and speed transmitter. The record-
each unit by plug-jack type terminals, Winchester
er mechanism basically shall consist of a direction
types A7P and A7S, or equal. The units shall be
section, a speed section, an electrical zeroing cir-
bolted in the case. A hole in the case and plug with
a l-inch National pipe thread class 2 in accordance
cuit, a chart drive mechanism, a chart guide - pen
lift mechanism, and a chart.
with Handbook H-28 shall be provided in one end for
a stuffing tube fitting. Case. - The recorder mechanism shall
be bound in a cast-aluminum case suitable for shelf Dials .- The indicator shall have two
or three point bulkhead mounting. The outside di-
dials 4 inches in diameter; one for indicating wind
mensions shall be approximately 16 inches wide by
direction and the other for indicating wind speed.
14 inches high by 11 inches deep. A gasketed door
The dials shall be marked in accordance with Draw-
on the front shall give access to all assemblies and
ing 3331269. Red dial illumination shall be provided
parts. The door shall have a transparent window
in the indicator.
allowing full view of the recorder chart, pen tips,
and scales. The case shall have internal illumination Size. - Indicators shall be as small and
controlled with a switch. One electrical connector
lightweight as practicable, but in no case shall di-
shall be mounted in a well in the lower rear part of
mensions and weight exceed the following:
the case. (Figure 5 is provided for guidance only. )
Height - 13-3/4 inches. Connections and wiring. - The connec-
Width - 7-1/2 inches.
Depth - 6 inches.
tion and wiring shall be in accordance with figure 6.
Weight -23 pounds.
The power and signal circuits shall be energized
(Figure 4 is provided for guidance only)
through a connector, Jones Catalogue No. P2410-
SB, or equal. A mating connector, Jones Catalogue
No. S2410-OCT, or equal, shall be provided for The transmitters and Indicators provided
ship's wiring.
under this spec.fication shall be equipped with internal
terminal boards to facilitate the ship's wiring.
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