| ![]() MIL-W-15805F(SHIPS) (continued)
4.5.2 Accuracy - Accuracy tests shall be con-
ducted in three parts as follows:
b. Continuity check of wiring.
(2) Dielectric strength in accordance Accuracy - first part. - An initial
accuracy test on the complcte wind system shall be
with MIL-I-983: Hi-Pot at 900
volts for 5 seconds.
conducted in a wind tunnel at the National Bureau of
(3) insulation resistance in accordance
Standards (under auspices of the Naval actlvlty con-
with MIL-I-983: Not less than 10
ducting the tests) to determine if the equipment com-
megohms at 500 v.d.c.
plies with the accuracy requirements specified in
(4) Operation of rheostat.
(b) Assembled and wired unit (direction or
speed): The complete wind speed system shall
( 1 ) General examination in accordance
be operated at starting and stopping speeds and each
with MIL-I-983:
wind speed corresponding to 10-knot increments of
a. Visual.
wind speed over its entire range, and shall not show
b. Continuity check of wiring.
an error in excess of that specified in
(2} Dielectric strength in accordance
with MIL-I-983: Hi-Pot at 900 volts The position of the wind vane shall be
for 5 seconds.
varied by 30-degree increments from O degree to
(3) Insulation resistance in accordance
360 degrees, and for each position of the vane. The
with MIL-I-983: Not less than 10
wind direction indicators shall meet the require-
megohms at 500 v.d.c.
ments specified in
(4) Accuracy:
a. Check electrical zero - plus or From the data obtained in tests
minus 0.5 degree.
specified in 4.5.2.l.l and, curves of
b. Check direction of rotation.
error versus speed and direction shall be plotted
c. Check lights.
to rectangular coordinates and incorporated in the
laboratory report. Also, a calibration curve or
(c) Assembled case and units.
(1) Visual check:
r.p.m. of the impeller versus wind speed shall be
included in the report.
a. Finish, screws.
b. Identification plate. Accuracy - second part. - Upon com- Final inspection procedure for wind
pletion of the first 50 hours of the accelerated life
direction and speed recorder:
test, an accuracy check shall be made to determine
if the equipment, without adjustment, meets all
(a) General examination in accordance with
the accuracy requirements specified in 3.3.2.
MIL-I-983. Accuracy - third part. - Upon success- Final inspection procedure for cross-
ful completion of all tests, an accuracy test on the
complete wind system shall be conducted in a wind
wind computer and indicator.
tunnel at the National Bureau of Standards (under
auspices of laboratory personneI) to determine that
(a) General examination in accordance with
the equipment complies with the accuracy, angular
displacement retransmission, and sensitivity y re-
(b) Continuity check of wiring.
(c) Insulation resistance test (MIL-I-983).
quirements specified in 3.3.2 and, respec-
tively .
(d) Operational test as foIlows:
4.5.3 Accelerated life. - During the accelerated
Connect crosswind computer to crosswind indicator.
life test specified in MIL-I-983, the equipment shall
`With a test set to furnish synchro signal inputs equi-
be operated at constantly varying impeller speeds,
valent to the signals set out by the transmitter, check
oscillating through the range of 10 to 95 knots at the
he indicator for minimum and maximum crosswind
rate of change of speed of approximately 15 knots
ad headwind for both straight deck and angel deck.
Accuracies shall be checked for conformance with
per minute, except that once each hour the impeller
speed shall be steadied at approximately 95 knots Response time shall be checked for con-
for a sufficient length of time to permit determina-
formance with
tion of indicator error. At the same time, the wind
vane support shall be oscillated through 120 degrees
All synchros, transistors, and similar parts that
at the rate of 1/2 cycle per minute to provide a re-
may be damaged by excessive voltage shall be dis-
peated reversal of the follow-up motor in the
connected during this test.
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