| ![]() MIL-W-15805F(SHIPS) Packing - Packing shall be accom-
transmitter. Upon completion of the 500-hour test,
plished in a manner--which will insure acceptance
the detector shall be disconnected from the system
by common carrier and will afford protection
and, with the wind vane locked in place, the vane
against physical and mechanical damage during direct
support shall be rotated at a rate of 60 r.p.m. for
shipment from the supply source to the using activity
a period of 4 hours. At the end of the 4-hour period,
for early installation. The shipping containers or
the procedure shall be repeated in the reverse di-
method of packing shall conform to the Uniform
rection for a period of 4 hours.
Freight Classification Rules and Regulations or other
carrier regulations as applicable to the mode of
4.5.4 Angular displacement retransmission and
transportation, and may conform to the supplier's
sensitivity test. - Upon completion of the first 50
commercial practice when such meets these require-
hours of the accelerated life test, damping and sen-
sitivity tests shall be conducted as folIows: Marking - Shipment marking informa- With the detector operating in a normal
tion shall be provided on interior packages and ex-
position, set the wind vane to indicate a definite
terior shipping containers in accordance with the
direction and de-energize the system. While de-
contractor's commercial practice. The informa-
energized rotate the wind vane 120 degrees, and
tion shall Include nomenclature, contract or order
with the vane in this position energize the system,
number, contractor's name, and destination.
nothing the time required for the wind direction indi-
cator to become synchronized. The time required
5.1.2 Onboard repair parts. - The onboard re-
(7.5 degrees plus or minus 1.0 degree per second)
pair parts shall be preserved and packaged level
shall meet the requirements specified in figure i .
A; packed level C, and marked in accordance with
MIL-E-17555. With the detector in a position so that
the plane surface of the wind vane is horizontal,
5.2 Domestic shipment and storage or overseas
verification of the requirement of shall be
shipment. - The requirements and levels of preser-
vation, packaging, and packing shall be specified by
the procuring activity (see 6.1 ). Maximum frictional torque of detector
rotor shaft shall conform to
(5.2.1 The following provides various levels of
protection durng domestic shipment and storage or
4.5.5 Mounting - Compliance with the require-
overseas shipment, which may be required when
ments of 3.4.l.l through, as well as
procurement is made by a Government activity.
special features of the various component mountings
shall be determined in general accordance with Preservation, packaging, packing, and
marking. - The equipment and accessories, repair
parts and technical publications shall be preserved
4.5.6 During the entire accelerated life, shock,
and packaged level A or C; packed level A or B as
and vibration tests, no indicator shall show an error
specified and marked in accordance with MIL-E-
in excess of that specified in 3.3.2.
5.1 Domestic shipment and early equipment in-
6.1 Ordering data. - Procurement documents
stallation and for storage of shipboard repair parts. -
should specify the following:
5.1.1 Wind direction and wind speed indicating
(a) Title, number, and date of this specifica-
equipment. -
(b) Quantity and type of items required. (See
5. 1.1.1 Preservation and packaging. - Preserva-
3.2. )
tion and packaging shall be sufficient to afford ade-
(c) Quantity of manuals required.
quate protection against corrosion, deterioration, and
(d) Whether certification data sheets are re-
physical damage during shipment from the supply
source to the using activity and until early instal-
lation and may conform to the supplier's commer-
cial practice when such meets these requirements.
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