| ![]() MIL-W-16642D(SH) Identification plate. An identification plate made from
16 gage (approximately 0.0598 inch) stainless steel shall be affixed to
the exterior of the door at the center with the inscription "Boiler-Water
Testing Outfit".
3.2.2 Reagent bottles. Reagent bottles shall be 1 L capacity rugged
glass bottles for holding testing solutions.
A high quality of clear glass
shall be used to prevent any etching of the glass by the reagents.
bottle shall have a horizontal line and the letters "1,000 mL" raised and
ground or other permanent labeling at or near the neck or throat.
reagent bottle when filled to the horizontal line, shall contain 1000 mL
10 mL when calibrated as specified in 4.3.2.
The bottles shall be approxi-
mately 4-1/4-inches in diameter with an overall height of approximately
8 inches. Two of the bottles shall be labeled respectively with the words
"NITRIC ACID" and "MERCURIC NITRATE", in raised or ground letters or other
permanent labeling, all of equal height and of such size as to be easily
The mercuric nitrate bottle shall be made of amber or brown
Two No. 9 rubber stop-
The mercuric nitrate bottle is unlabeled.
pers shall be required for each bottle: one being solid and the other
having two holes for the automatic-zero buret and the aspirator bulb
3.2.3 Automatic-zero burets. Automatic-zero burets shall have a
The buret shall be so constructed that solution in
capacity of 10 mL.
excess of that required to bring the level of liquid in the filled buret
Each buret
exactly to the zero mark will drain back in the reagent bottle.
shall be graduated in tenths of a milliliter, with the numbers placed to
the side so that interference with taking readings by the inner feed tube
is avoided. The graduations shall be easily readable. Each buret shall
be made from a glass tubing and shall have the following dimensions:
Feed tube:
8 millimeter (mm) outside diameter (O.D.) by 1 mm
thick and 9-inches long.
Inside siphon tube:
1 mm wall thickness by not more than 5 mm
O.D. diameter.
Outside tube: wall thickness of 1-1.5 mm.
4-inches long.
Discharge tube containing stopcock:
Vent hole: Not more than 1 mm diameter.
Length of graduations:
14-16 centimeters (cm).
Stopcocks: Standard 5/16-inch tube by 1 mm opening in plug.
18 inches.
Overall length of buret:
The discharge tube shall be attached as near the bottom of the buret as
possible to facilitate complete drainage and shall be directly In front
of the graduations. The axis of the stopcock plug shall be set at an angle
of approximately 15 degrees to the horizontal, with the handle up and to
the right, and with a rubber washer on the lower end to prevent the plug
from pulling out. The graduations shall end just above the opening of the
discharge tube so that there will be a clear length of at least 1.5 inches
above the zero graduation. The entire buret shall be of the good workman-
ship and shall deliver 10 mL 0.1 mL when calibrated as specified In
Subsequent to manufacture, the buret assembly shall be annealed
to remove all strains.
3.2.4 Aspirator-bulb assemblies. The 2-ounce size aspirator-bulb
shall be made from natural or synthetic rubber. A small, glass, short-arm
T-tube shall be provided between the bulb and the bottle so that the open
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