| ![]() MIL-W-16642D(SH)
end of the arm can be covered with the thumb when the buret is filled,
pressure in the bottle being released by removal of the thumb. The T-tube
shall be made of 6 mm O.D. tubing. All ends shall be fire-polished.
3.2.5 Casserole. The casserole shall conform to NNN-C-25, type
I, class 1, 340 mL capacity.
3.2.6 Graduated cylinder. The graduated cylinder shall be of 100
mL capacity. This shall be a standard laboratory TD type having 1 mL
The graduated cylinder shall be made of glass and shall
deliver 100 mL 0.5 mL when calibrated as specified in 4.3.2.
3.2.7 Dropping TK-bottles. The dropping TK-bottles shall conform
to NNN-B-1194, type I, class 2, grade B, size 2.
The bottles shall bear
permanent labels which read "Phenolphthalein", "Methyl Purple", and
"Chloride Indicator", respectively.
Raised ground-glass letters on the
bottle are considered satisfactory.
3.2.8 Stirring rods. Stirring rods shall be 7-inch glass rods of
3/16-inch diameter. Each rod shall be fire-polished to smooth and round
the ends.
3.2.9 Stopcock lubricant. A collapsible tube containing approxi-
mately l-ounce of high quality stopcock grease shall be furnished.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in
the contract, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all
inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified
In the contract, the contractor q ay use his own or any other facilities
suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified
herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves
the right to perform any of the Inspections set forth in the specification
where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services
conform to prescribed requirements.
4.2 Sampling.
4.2.1 Lot. For purposes of sampling, a lot shall consist of all
complete testing outfits or component parts presented at one time for
4.2.2 Sampling for inspection. A random sample of complete testing
outfits or component parts shall be selected In accordance with MIL-STD-105
with a AQL of 4.0.
4.3 Inspection.
4.3.1 Visual and dimensional examinations. Each of the sample
complete testing outfits or component parts selected shall be visually
and dimensionally examined to verify compliance with this specification.
If any complete testing outfit or component part in the sample contains
one or more visual or dimensional defect, such shall be cause for rejec-
tion of the defective outfit or part, and if the number of defective test-
ing outfits or component parts in any sample exceeds the acceptance number
for that sample, this shall be cause for rejection of the lot represented
by the sample.
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