| ![]() MIL-W-43001F
be admitted unless there is water in the machine. These requirements shall be
verified when the equipment is tested as specified in 4.6,1. Machines which do
not have automatic self-balancing shall be furnished with a vibration sensing
device to disconnect the power, give an audible signal, and automatically apply
the brake to stop rotation of the cylinder or to return the cylinder to washing
speed should excessive vibration occur during the extracting cycle. This
requirement shall be verified when the equipment is tested as specified in
4.6.2. Guards shall be cast iron, sheet metal, wire mesh, or fiberglass. All
parts of the guard shall be secured so as to be readily removable without
disassembling pipe or fittings on the machine. Provisions shall be made in
guards fitted over parts requiring frequent adjustment so as to permit easy
access. Access holes so provided shall be fitted with covers.
3.S.1.9 Bases and foundation. Machine bases shall be constructed so that
points of contact with the foundation shall be in the same horizontal plane.
Provisions shall be included for anchoring the machine to the foundation with
sufficient anchoring to prevent undue vibration and movement of the machine
during full load operation. When anti-vibration protection is not required (see, special foundation construction materials (except concrete) such as
channels, I-beams, and anchor bolts, and a diagram of recommended foundation
details shall be furnished with each washer-extractor. Gearing. All gears shall have machined teeth and shall operate
quietly. Spiral, hypoid, bevel, and worm gears, if used, shall operate in
lubricant. Uhen run in an oil bath, both the pinion gear and the gear with
which it meshes shall be of ferrous metal or bronze. Gears not run in an oil
bath may be of a phenolic formaldehyde resin, condensate, micarta, or fabroil,
or other noise-reducing material. When gears are of a composition material,
either the motor pinion or gear with which it meshes shall be at least 1/4 inch
wider than the other, except that when thrust bearings are used on the armature
shaft, the gear and pinion may be of the same width.
3.5. 1.11 Thermometer. A dial or digital type thermometer shall be installed
on each machine to indicate the temperature of the water in degrees Fahrenheit. Lubrication. lubrication fittings for force type systems shall be
provided and accessibly located for lubricating bearings (except motors see
3.4.5). Where lubricant reservoirs are required for gear drives, the reservoirs
shall be provided with a threaded cap at the top, and a drain plug at the
bottom. Seals. Means shall be provided to prevent the lubricant from
entering the part of the machine where clothes are handled. Means shall be
provided to prevent washing solutions from entering the bearings. These
requirements shall be determined when the equipment is tested as specified
in 4.6.2.
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