| ![]() MIL-U-43001F V-belts and pulleys. V-belts shall be of the types commercially
known as multlple-drive or variable speed belts; except that where a single belt
is furnished with a fractional-horsepower motor, a V-belt commercially known as
a fractional-horsepower belt may be supplied in lieu of the multlple-drive or
variable speed types. Pulleys for V-belts shall be suitable grooved.
Means shall be provided for adjusting belt Belt tension adjustment.
tension. Pipe and valves. All points of connection to the shell for water,
steam, vent, overflow, and supplies shall be of brass or corrosion resisting
steel not less than the thickness of the shell. All piping other than that
portion directly attached to the shell may be brass, corrosion-resisting steel
pipe, or galvanized pipe according to the manufacturer's commercial practice.
All water connections to the machine shall be provided with siphon breakers
(vacuum breaker or air gap). Automatically operated valves for hot and cold
water and steam compatible with pipes specified herein shall be furnished. Pipe
shall include either separate vent and overflow level connections, or one
connection to serve for both vent and overflow. The overflow connection shall
be located above the center line of the washer-extractor. The overflow shall be
directed toward the drain trough so that the overflow will not discharge on any
operating component. Steam, drain, air, and other operation valves shall be so
installed that the valves shall be readily accessible for operation and mainten-
ance. Inlet steam and air supply connections shall be supplied with manual shut
off valves. The steam connection shall be Iron Pipe Size (IPS) not less than
1/2 inch for size 25 and 50, not less than 3/4 inch for size 100 and 200, not
less than 1 inch for size 300 and 400, and not less than 1-1/4 inch for size 600
and 800. The steam inlet shall be in such a location as to prevent steam from
entering the cylinder in direct contact with the load. This requirement shall
be verified when the equipment is tested as specified in 4.6.2. A water level
indicator shall be furnished on each machine, except on size 25- and 50-pound
units having a glass shell door insert for clear vision of water level. Neces-
sary integral pipe, fittings, pressure reducing valves and all other valves for
air, steam, and drain shall be furnished as complete assemblies suitable for
Installation with unions or other standard fittings. Installation instructions
shall be furnished with uninstalled assembles. All piping shall be installed
so as to comply with accepted plumbing practices. Name and data plates. Each washer-extractor covered by this speci-
fication shall be marked for identification in accordance with MIL-STD-130 on a
plate conforming to MIL-P-514. Finish and color. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the washer-
extractors, except pushbuttons, shall be finished according to the manufacturers
standard commercial practice. Emergency stop and normal stop pushbuttons shall
be red and this color shall be limited to pushbuttons and name-plates.
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