| ![]() MIL-U-43001F Electromagnetic compatibility. When specified (see 6.2), equipment
shall be designed and equipped for electromagnetic compatibility in accordance
with class IIB of MIL-STD-461 (see 4.6.3).
3,5.1.20 Moisture and fungus resistant treatment. When specified (see 6.2),
electrical components of equipment covered by this specification shall be
moisture and fungus resistant treated with material conforming to, and applied
as specified in MIL-T-152. Anti-vibration protection. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2),
washer-extractors over 100-pound capacity shall be supplied with a fully
assembled anti-vibration mount designed to isolate and minimize vibration
transmitted to the floor and surrounding environment induced during extraction.
When tested as specified in 4.6.2 (see 6.2), no more than 10 percent of the
unbalanced dynamic load shall be transmitted to the building during full
extraction speed. The design of the anti-vibration mount shall be such that the
washer-extractor is suspended in a manner that is stable for all directions of
motion. The vibration isolation shall be such that special foundation construc-
tion materials except anchor bolts will not be required to offset the vibration.
When tested as specified in 4.6.2, the amplitude of vibration at the base of the
washer-extractors, which is in contact with the floor, shall not exceed 0.005
inches displacement (total indicator reading (T.I.R.)) using a mass vibrometer
(see 6.6). When anti-vibration protection is not provided, the amplitude of
vibration shall not exceed 0.010 inches displacement. The machine for this test
shall be fully loaded and operated with a 5-percent unbalanced load in one
pocket. Other than sensing devices and door interlock or similar limit switches
necessary for the proper functioning of the machine, all electrical controls
- nclud-i.n.g but not limited to the automatic cycle controller and its associated
i..- - --
relays, contractors, starters, and valves shall be attached to the stationary
portion of the machine. Such components shall not be attached to the flexible
isolated portion of the machine.
Detail requirements. The washer-extractors covered by this document
shall be of the shell and cylinder type. The sizes (capacities) shall be based
on 5.7 pounds of soiled linen per cubic foot of cylinder volume (gross). Shell. The shell shall be water-tight and sufficiently rigid in
construction to prevent permanent distortion, metal failure, or objectionable
vibration when machine is in operation, and shall be reinforced to support all
attachments thereto. These requirements shall be verified when the equipment
is tested as specified in 4.6.2. A l/8-inch square (approximately) raised,
finished metal strip shall be attached completely around the door opening of
the shell front plate, when a broad solid rubber door gasket is used (see The heads of the shell for end loading machines shall provide for
removal of the cylinder from the shell. The shell heads (vertical end plates)
for side loading machines shall be constructed so the cylinder can be removed
from the machine. All materials used in those portions of the shell which come
in contact with wash water shall be corrosion-reslst~ng steel except that seal
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