| ![]() MIL-W-43001F
4.4.5 Treatment of electrical components. When moisture and fungus resistant
treatment is required, the contractor shall furnish certification that electri-
cal components have been treated in accordance with
4.4.6 Packaging examination. Preservation, packaging, packing, and marking
shall be inspected in accordance with the quality assurance provisions in
4.5 Code and standard compliance. Certifications, certified test reports, or
listing q arks for standards submitted in accordance with 3.3 shall be examined
and validated as proof of compliance. Prior to government approval of first
shipment, the contractor shall submit to the contracting officer or his author-
ized representative for approval, certification that the washer-extractors he
proposed to furnish under this document, meet the applicable requirements
specified in 3.3.1 through 3.3.4 as follows:
4.5.2 NEMA. Acceptable evidence of meeting the requirements of NEMA shall be
the manufacturer's certified statement that the motor controllers, switches,
relays, and time delays, conform to NEMA Standard Publication No. ICS. A tag or
label attached to these items stating these components conform to this standard
is acceptable evidence.
4.5.3 ANSI. Acceptable evidence of meeting requirements of ANSI shall be the
manufacturer's certified statement that the washer-extractors conform to the
applicable requirements of ANSI 28.1.
4,5.4 OSHA. Acceptable evidence of meeting the requirements of OSHA shall be
the manufacturer's certified statement that the washer-extractors conform to the
applicable requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.
4.6 Methods of inspection.
4.6.1 Operational testing. Each washer-extractor to be furnished under this
document shall be connected to an electric power supply, water, steam, or
compressed air, and operationally tested without garments. The following items
and operations shall be checked:
(a) The assembly of components; starting, stopping, and control devices;
moving parts and bearings; noise level (see 4.6.4); for compliance with the
requirements of 3.5.
(b) The assembled washer-extractor for compliance with the leakage;
overheating of parts; injection of supplies; and structural failures for
compliance with the requirements of 3.5.
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