| ![]() MIL-W-44167B(GL)
with 3.6.11 shall constitute failure of this test, and will require
correction of the failure/defect, and the entire test shall be restarted from
the beginning.
4.6. 12 Thirty mile road and terrain test (see 6.3.1). The comletely
assembled washer mounted on the Government furnished Trailer Mounted Laundry
shall be towed over not less than 10 miles of paved roads at speeds up to 50
mph as road and weather conditions permit (see 4.6. 12.1) and over not less
than 10 miles of graveled roads at speeds averaging 35 mph (see and
over not less than 10 miles of open terrain and cross ountry at speeds
averaging 5 mph (see At the completion of road and terrain test
load the washer with 60 pounds (dry weight) of wool blankets (type I or II of
MIL-B-844 ) and launder using the program chart or card for wool. The program
shall conform to FM 10-280, Formula II. No detergent is required. The
washer shall process the wool blankets for two consecutive loads at the rate
of two cycles per hair. Throughout the duration of this test and upon
completion, visually inspect the control unit, program reading device,
interior of the washer cylinder, rotor, gear box, intake valves, discharge
valves, door glass, and frame. Any nonconformance with 3.6.12 shall
constitute failure of this test. Paved and graveled roads. The paved and graveled road tests
shall each include not less than 20 quick starts and 20 quick stops on grades
of not less than 5 degrees or more than 10 degrees. Fifty percent of the
starts shall be made on the ascending grades and fifty percent on the
descending grades. Open terrain and cross country. The open terrain and cross
country course shall have surface irregularities consisting of mounds, racks,
brush, and irregularities normally found in cross country or open terrain.
The trailer shall be pulled along the course at speeds of not less than 5 mph
and not greater than 10 mph. The test drive shall include ten abrupt stop,
ten abrupt starts, ten sharp left hand turns, and ten sharp right hand
turns. Any nonconformance with 3.6.12 shall constitute failure of this test.
4.6.13 Road and terrain test. The completely assembled washer mounted on
the Government furnished mailer Mounted Laundry shall be tested by the
Government at a specified location (see 6.2). The test shall be as follows:
a. 125 miles over graveled roads at speeds averaging 35 mph. The
graveled road test shall include not less than 20 quick starts and stops on
grades of not less than 5 percent or greater than 10 percent. Fifty percent
of the starts and stop shall be made on ascending grades and 50 percent on
descending grades.
125 miles over Belgian block or similar course averaging 10 mph.
c. 125 miles over hilly cross --country terrain and 125 miles over level
cross-country terrain at speeds averaging 10 mph. The open terrain and
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