| ![]() MIL-W-44167B(GL)
time and water level conforms to Formula VIII. Upon completion of this, load
the washer with 60 pounds (dry weight) of wool blankets (type I or II of
MIL-B-844 ) and launder operating the unit in the manual mode utilizing the
cycles, times, and water levels noted in FM 10-280, Formula II. Upon
completion of this, visually inspect the control unit, program reading
device, interior of the washer cylinder, rotor, gear box, intake valves,
discharge valves, door glass, and franc. Any programming errors which result
in incorrect formula operation will be remedied and the particular test
repeated. Programming errors are defined as incorrectly prepared formula
charts or cards . Any nonprogramming nonconformance With 3.6.7 during
automatic or manual operation shall constitute failure of this test. Twenty hour test (see 6.3.1). Upon completion of, load
the washer with 60 pounds (dry weight) of wool blankets (type I or II of
MIL-B-844 ) and launder using the program chart or card for wool. The program
shall conform to FM 10-280, Formula II. No detergent is required. The
washer shall process the wool blankets for 20 consecutive hours at the rate
of two cycles per hour. Upon completion of this, visually respect the
control unit , program reading device, interior of the washer cylinder, motor,
gear box, intake valves, discharge valves, door glass, and frame. Any
nonconfo rmance with 3.6.7 shall constitute failure of this test.
4.6.8 Soil removal test. The washer shall be loaded With 60 pounds of
cotton sheets conforming to MIL-S-36868 and 10 standard clay soiled swatches
laboratory prepared conforming to ASTM D 3050. Launder the items per
FM 10-280, Formula 1. After processing, determine the level of soil removal
as detailed in ASTM D 3050. The laundry detergents and supplies shall be as
specif ied in FM 10-280, Formula I. Any nonconformance with 3.6.8 shall
constitute failure of the test.
4.6.9 Moisture removal test. The washer shall be loaded with 60 pounds of
the trousers (MIL-T-44047) and laundered in accordance with FM 10-280,
Formula VIII. Upon completion of the final rinse cycle weigh the clothes.
Any nonconformance with 3.6.9 shall constitute failure of the test.
4.6.10 Door gasket test. Replace the washer door gasket using a new
contractor furnished gasket and operate the washer through a 5 minute wash
cycle at an 11 inch water level. Any nonconformance With 3.6.10 shall
constitute failure of the test.
4.6.11 Endurance test. The washer shall process wool blankets for 160
hours at the rate of two cycles per hour. This shall be accomplished in 8
consecutive 20 hour days. Loaad the washer with 60 pounds (dry weight) of
wool blankets (type I or 11 of MIL-B-844 ) and launder using the program chart
or card for wool. Supplies and detergents are required. Throughout the
duration of this test and upon completion, visually inspect the control unit,
program reading device, interior of the washer cylinder, rotor, gear box, air
controls, discharge valves, door glass, welds, and frame. Any nonconf ormance
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