| ![]() MIL-W-47091A (MI)
3.1.5 Aluminum alloy parts. Aluminum alloy parts to be welded by the inert
gas shielded arc method shall be cleaned to remove all oil, grease, or other foreign
matter and then etched to provide a surface free from oxide before welding. A typical
etching solution may be prepared as noted below. After etching, the parts shall be
thoroughly rinsed and dried. Etching solution (typical).
Sulfuric acid, 10% (percent) by volume
Hydrofluoric acid, 1% by volume
Water, 89% by volume
Sodium dichromate, 17 pounds per 100 gallons solution
3.2 Welding methods. The following welding methods shall be used for each
type of welding. The welding shall be done by hand except as otherwise provided
herein (see 1.2).
Type I (steel), metallic arc method, oxyacetylene, or inert gas
shielded arc methods.
Type II (aluminum alloy) oxyacetylene, oxyhydrogen or inert gas
shielded arc methods.
Type III (magnesium alloy) inert gas shielded arc method.
Type IV (corrosion resistant steel) metallic arc or inert gas
shielded arc methods.
3.2.1 Limitation on welding methods for steel. The inert gas shielded tungsten
arc welding method or oxyacetylene welding method shall not be used for the welding
of mild, high strength mild, or low alloy steel parts which are greater than 0.090 inches
in thickness in the area to be welded.
3.2.2 Automatic welding. Automatic welding methods may be used, subject to
the approval of the Government inspector, provided the strength of the deposited weld
metal is at least equal to that of the materials specified herein and the quality of
welding conforms to the requirements of this specification.
3.3 Welding materials.
3.3.1 Type I-steels.
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