| ![]() MIL-W-47091A (MI) Electrodes for metallic arc welding. Electrodes for mild steel. For welding mild steel, electrodes
conforming to AWS A5.5 and having a tensile strength of not less than 60,000 pounds
force per square inch (lbf/in2) as deposited shall be used. The electrodes shall be
suitable for the intended use. Electrodes for high strength mild steel and low alloy steel. For
welding high strength mild steel and low alloy steel, electrodes conforming to AWS
A5.5 and having a tensile strength of not less than 70,000 (lbf/in2) as deposited shall be
used. The electrodes shall be suitable for the intended use. Rods for oxyacetylene welding. Rods for mild steel. For welding mild steel, rods conforming to R45
of AWS A5.2 shall be used. Rods for high strength mild steel and low alloy steel. For welding
high strength mild steel and low alloy steel, rods conforming to R65 of AWS A5.2
shall be used. Rods for inert gas shielded arc method. For welding mild, high
strength mild, or low alloy steels, rods conforming to R100 of AWS A5.2 shall be
3.3.2 Type II welding aluminum alloys. ER1100 bare wire. For butt welds and welding outside corners of 1100
and 3003 aluminum alloys, ER1100 bare wire shall be used for all methods of welding
as specified in AWS A5.10. ER4043 bare wire. For welding aluminum alloys 5052, 6053, 6061,
443, and A356 (castings), and for welding all joints other than butt joints or outside
corners in 1100 or 3003 aluminum alloys, ER4043 bare wire shall be used for all
methods of welding as specified in AWS A5.10. Gas welding flux. For oxyacetylene or oxyhydrogen welding of
aluminum alloys, use aluminum gas welding flux specified in AMS 3412 or
3.3.3 Type III welding magnesium alloys. AZ31B and similar alloys. For welding magnesium alloys
corresponding to or similar to those specified in AMS4375H, 4376E and 4377F, a
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