| MIL-W-f48230 (PA) Tension Test on Body - Major Defect.-Two (2)
body castings from each heat treatment batch, one of the
hardest and one of the softest, as determined by,
shall be subjected to this test. Failure of one or more
tension test specimens to comply with the physical require-
ments of the applicable drawing shall be cause for rejection
of the batch represented by the specimen. The test shall be
performed as specified in 4.4.4, using equipment in accor-
dance with 4.3.4. Tension Test on Base - Major Defect.-Two (2)
bases from each heat treatment or stress-relieved batch of
1,000 or fraction thereof, shall be subjected to the tension
test in accordance with 4.4.5, to determine compliance with
the mechanical properties requirements of the applicable
drawing. When steel bases are used, two (2) bases from each
heat treatment or stress-relieved batch of 5,000 or fraction
thereof shall be subjected to the tension test. Failure of
any specimen to comply shall be cause for rejection of the
batch represented by the specimen. The test shall be per-
formed as specified in 4.4.5, using equipment in accordance
with 4.3.4. Retest .-When one or more tension test speci-
mens fail to comply with the yield strength or elongation
requirements of the applicable component drawing, the re-
jected batch may, at the discretion of the contractor, be
re-heat-treated, or new samples of a higher or lower hard-
ness value or both may be selected (if this was the basis
for selecting samples). A new sample may also be cut from
the same test casting if a visible defect was present in
the test bar. When maximum and minimum hardness values
have been determined by compliance with the tensile test
specimens with the mechanical properties requirements of the
component drawing, these values shall be used as a basis for
accepting or rejecting each nose casting within that batch.
All castings within the batch whose hardness values fall
outside the established range shall be rejected subject to
reheat treatment and resubmission for test. Hydrostatic Test - Critical Defect.-Each metal
parts assembly shall be subjected to the required internal
hydrostatic pressure to determine compliance with require-
ments on dwg. 9218699. Failure of any assembly to comply
shall be cause for rejection of the assembly. Metal parts
assemblies which oomply shall be stamped with the letter "H"
as indicated on the assembly drawing. The test shall be
performed as specified in 4.4.6, using equipment in accor-
dance with 4.3.4
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