| MIL-W-48230 (PA) Air Pressure - Critical Defect.-Each body as-
sembly that has passed the hydrostatic pressure test, as
indicated by the letter "H" stamped on the body, shall,
after completion of the drying cycle, be subjected to sub-
merged air pressure test. Any body assembly failing to
comply with the requirements specified on dwg. 9218699, as
evidenced by air bubbles rising to the surface of the water,
shall be rejected. Air bubbles caused by entrapped air on
the outside of the shell shall not be cause for rejection
of the body assembly. Body assemblies which comply with the
requirements of dwg. 9218699 shall be stamped with the
letter "A" as indicated on the assembly drawing. The test
shall be performed as specified in 4.4.7, using equipment
in accordance with 4.3.4. ID Gap Inspection - Major Defect.-A sample of
fifty (50) unpainted assemblies, randomly selected from each
lot, shall be inspected for evidence of gap (any discernible
separation between nose and body section on ID at brazed
joint). If one or more of the assemblies inspected show
evidence of one continuous gap over an arc in excess of five
(5) degrees, or the total of all the gaps discernible equal
an arc in excess of' ten (10) degrees, the lot represented
by the sample shall be rejected. Salt Spray Test - Major Defect.-The sample
size for this test shall be as follows: During production,
one (1) warhead from each day's production shall be subjected
to the salt spray test as specified in 4.4,8, until five (5)
consecutive days' production have successfully passed the
test . Sampling shall then be reduced to one (1) sample
twice per week. If, upon reduced sampling, one (1) failure
occurs, corrective action shall be taken and sampling shall
revert to one specimen from each day's production until five
(5) consecutive days' production have again successfully
passed the test. If two (2) consecutive failures occur
after the contractor has been notified to take corrective
action in either the original sampling plan or the reduced
sampling plan, inspection for acceptance will be stopped
until corrective action has been taken. Any specimen (war-
head) which does not comply with any of the following test
criteria shall be considered a failure. The specimen, when
subjected to the salt spray test specified in 4.4.8, shall
show no more than 1/8 inch creepage, blistering or loss of
adhesion of the paint as measured from the scribe mark. At
all other points there shall be no more than a trace of
film failure, such as blistering or corrosion, and not more
than twenty (20) scattered blisters, none larger than 3/16
inch in diameter on the painted surface of the warhead. This
is intended that the maximum amount of corrosion in the salt
spray test be comparable to photograph 8-1 in ASTM Standard
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