| MIL-W-48230 (PA)
be as prescribed by Federal Test Method Standard No. 151,
Method 211.1.
4.4.3 Hardness Test on Body - (See
final heat treatment, the hardness test shall be performed
on the body forward of the bourrelet. Procedures for this
test are as prescribed by Federal Test Method Standard No.
151, Method 242.1.
4.4.4 Tension Test on Body - (See ten-
sion test specimen conforming to a standard "R" type speci-
men as prescribed by Federal Test Method Standard No. 151
shall be taken longitudinally from each sample. The criteria
for determining yield strength and elongation shall be as
prescribed by Federal Test Method Standard No. 151, Method
4.4.5 Tension Test on Base (See .-From the
samples provided in accordance with, one (1) ten-
sile test specimen conforming to a standard "R" type speci-
men as prescribed by Federal Test Method Standard No. 151
shall be taken from the bottom of each base. The criteria
for determining yield strength and elongation shall be as
prescribed by Federal Test Method Standard No. 1513 Method
4,4.6 Hydrostatic Test (See metal parts
assembly shall be hydrostatically tested using equipment
capable of performing the test accurately and consistently.
In performing the test, the pressure will be applied gradu-
ally until the required minimum pressure is reached, after
which the pressure will be held for a minimum of 5 seconds.
The equipment shall be calibrated prior to the start of
each day's operation, at intervals of not over 2 hours of
continuous operation, and prior to restarting the operation
after a layoff of 1 hour of more.
4.4.7 Air Pressure Test - (See assemblies
that have passed the hydrostatic test shall be mounted in
an approved fixture in such a manner that the body assembly
will be completely submerged in water. The air pressure
shall be applied and held for a minimum of 15 seconds.
4.4.8 Salt Spray Test (See accelerated
corrosion test shall be performed utilizing the equipment
and procedures prescribed by the Federal Test Method Stan-
dard No. 151, Method 811, A 20 percent concentration of
sodium chloride solution shall be used, and the length of
the test shall be for 144 hours. Actual production warhead
assemblies only shall be subjected to this test. Test panels
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