| MIL-W-48230 (PA)
shall not be substituted for the warhead assemblies. The
test specimen shall be air dried for a minimum of 96 hours
before testing. The painted specimen shall be scored through
using a sharp knife. The specimens shall then be exposed
to the 20 percent salt spray as specified in Federal Test
Method Standard No. 151, Method 811.
4.4.9 Drop Test. -Warheads from a sample as provided
in accordance with shall be dropped from a height
of 5 feet onto a steel plate having a minimum thickness of
3 inches and a brinell hardness of at least 207. The steel
plate shall be solidly supported in a horizontal plane over
its entire bearing area by a minimum thickness of 24 inches
of concrete. The steel plate shall have a smooth, flat
surface and shall have a length and width of at least 36
inches. The plate shall be surrounded on all four sides
by a heavy steel enclosure of sufficient height and strength
to contain the warhead during rebounds. The 5 foot height
necessary to perform this test can be obtained by using a
special steel tower or derrick. The warheads will be drop-
ped individually with their longitudinal axis at 45 degrees
to the horizontal, base down. The warhead shall be inert
loaded to conform to the weight and center of gravity of a
loaded warhead. An inert loaded 423 fuze shall be attached
to the inert warhead. The combined weight of the inert
warhead and fuze shall be 16.75 0.2 lbs. The center of
gravity if 14.25 0.5 inch from the forward end of the fuze.
5.1 Packing and Marking - Level C.-Warheads shall be
packed and marked in accordance with drawing 7548604.
6.1 Intended Use .-See paragraph 1.1 of this specification.
6.2 Ordering Data.- Procurement documents shall specify
the following:
a. Title, number and date of this and item detail
b. Data Cards. -Data cards shall be prepared for
each lot in accordance with the information specified in
MIL-STD-1167, except when propellant or explosive lots are
Quantity required and delivery schedules.
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