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Page Title: Inspection Provisions for Production.
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whenever there is a lapse in production for a period in excess of
9(3 days or whenever a change occurs in manufacturing, material  used,
drawing or specification such as to significantly affect product
uniformity as determined by the Government.
4.2.2 Inspections to be Performed. - Assemblies and components
will be subjected by the Government to any or all of the examin-
ations or tests specified in this specification and any or all re-
quirements of the drawings.
4.2.3 Rejection. - If any assembly or component fails to com-
ply with any of the requirements and inspections, the first article
sample shall be rejected.  The (government reserves the right to ter-
minate its inspection upon any failure of an assembly or component
in the sample to comply with any of the stated requirements. In
the event of rejection, the Government reserves the right to re-
quire the contractor to take corrective action and/or submit a
new first article sample or portion thereof.  Until a first ar-
title sample is accepted the contractor is, in no way, authorized
by the Government to initiate regular production unless directed
by the Contracting Officer.
Inspection Provisions for Production.
4.3.1 Lot Formation. - The term "inspection lot" as used
throughout this specification is defined as an essentially homo-
geneous collection of units of product from which a representative
sample is drawn and inspected to determine conformance of the lot
with applicable requirements.  The sample selected shall represent
only that quantity of units from which the sample was drawn and
shall not be construed to represent any prior or subsequent quan-
tities presented for inspection.  Homogeneity shall be considered
to exist provided the inspection lot has been produced by one man==
ufacturer, in one unchanged process, in accordance with the same
drawings same drawing revision, same specification and same speci-
fication revision and complies with the provisions for submission
of product as specified in MIL-STD-105,  Changes to the process,
specification or drawing not affecting safety, performances inter-
changeability, or storages as determined by the Government, shall
not be deemed to alter the homogeneity of the inspection lot.  All
material submitted for Inspection in accordance with this specifi-
cation shall comply with the homogeneity criteria specified herein
regardless of the type of sampling procedure which is being applied
to determine conformance with requirements.  Lot numbering, as re-
quired, shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1168. Each inspection
lot shall bear a unique lot number.  Each lot shall consist of:
a.  Metal parts from lots bearing the same lot Interfix number

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