| ![]() MIL-W-60305A
AMENDMENT 2(EA) Delete in its entirety and substitute the following:
" 4 . 2 . 2 . 2 For ballistic test (proof testing). A random sample of 24
warheads shall be selected from each lot. Each warhead shall be marked
with an identification number. Should one round fail to produce high
order detonation an additional sample of 24 warheads shall be randomly
selected and marked with an identification number."
Page 4
Under "Critical"
add "WP leakage or evidence of leakage."
Delete 103 characteristic in its entirety.
4.2.6: Delete in its entirety and substitute the following:
" 4 . 2 . 6 Acceptance/rejection criteria. If two warheads fail to produce
high order detonation the lot shall be rejected. If one warhead fails to
produce high order detonation; test an additional 24 samples. Should one
or more of these additional 24 samples fail to produce a high order deton-
ation; the lot shall be rejected."
Page 5
5.1: Change "in fiber cans" to "in a fiber can."
D e l e t e last sentence in its entirety.
5.3: Delete in its entirety and Substitute the following:
"5.3 Marking. Marking of unit packages and shipping containers will
be accomplished in accordance with the instructions shown on drawings
8796521 and 8796522, except that the descriptive nomenclature shall be
"Warhead, 2.75 Inch Rocket, Smoke, WP, M156."
Add the following:
" 5 . 4 Palletization. When specified in the contract or order, warheads,
packed as specified in 5.2, shall be palletized in accordance with Drawing
19-48-4015-12P1000, unit 14 on page 8, except that the arrangement shall be
5 by 5."
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