| ![]() MIL-W-81752A(AS) - Emergency defogging - The emergency windshield defogging
Reduced clear vision
shall be tested to prove proper
area, as allowed by the detail specification for the airplane, shall
be free of condensation within 5 minutes when tested in accordance
with - Rain removal system - The windshield rain removal
system, if applicable, shall be demonstrated as part of the airplane
flight test program or in a suitable rain tunnel, in accordance with
the requirements of MIL-R-81367 and MIL-R-81589. Landing approach
visibility in a rainfall rate of four inches per hour shall be
demonstrated. - Anti-icing system - When applicable, the anti-icing
system shall be demonstrated as part of the airplane flight test
program or in a suitable climatic hanger as specified in the contract
(see 6.2.1). Testing shall show conformity with the requirements of
4.3.3 - Optical testing - Testing shall be conducted to prove
A test plan
compliance with all optical requirements herein.
outlining the procedures of all optical testing shall be prepared. - Luminous transmittance and haze - Luminous transmittance
and haze testing shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM D-1003.
Not less than one measurement shall be made on every 9 inches of
surface area. Luminous transmission and haze shall be measured at the
same location and shall be included as the average of the total
measurements. The luminous transmission for the installed position
shall be included separately and shall meet the requirements of and herein. - Angular deviation - Grid board photographs shall be used
to determine angular deviation and direction to show compliance with herein. - Distortion - Grid board photographs shall be used to
determine optical distortion. The grid board shall consist of white
lines 1/16 inch wide maximum on one inch centers, against a dull black
The photographs shall be evaluated using the procedures
of ASTM F-733-81 to assure compliance with and
herein. - Birefringency - Color photographs shall be taken through
the windshield from each eye position at zero azimuth to show
compliance with herein. If windshield heating elements are
used, color photographs shall also be taken with the heating element
on and compared to those with the heating element off.
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