| ![]() MIL-W-85057 (AS)
The serial data 1/0 channels shall Serial Data Channels.
be allocated as follows:
(1) Input Channels
a. Dual Mode Tracker (DMT)
b. Control Unit Subsystem (CUS)
c. Weapons Data Insert Panel (WDIP).
(2) Output Channels
Head-Up Display (HUD)
Flight Recorder.
The Input channels from the CUS and the WDIP, and the output channels to
the CUS and HUD do not require concurrent operation. All other serial
data channels shall be capable of concurrent operation.. Each channel
shall have a separate line driver or receiver. Bach channel shall have
the requirements for all digital interfaces, as stated in MIL-A-85055. Growth Capability.
The WDC shall provide the following
growth capability:
(1) One serial data output channel.
(2) One serial data input channel.
(3) Two relay closure discrete outputs.
The defined characteristics of these 1/0 types shall be the same as the
characteristics defined for these types in Table IV. This growth capability
shall be implemented by the addition of a growth page and by the removal of
jumper wires only. Future modifications or additions to existing hardware
shall not be required In order to provide this capability. All needed wiring
to the growth page connector shall be provided. Data Formatting The WDC shall perform the data formatting
required to transmit and receive signal data with the characteristics
defined in 3.3.13. Processing Modes.
The WDC shall provide the following two
modes for processing 1/0.
3.4.l.4.4.l Buffered InPut/Output. The transfer of I/0 data between
the CIU and DC main memory shall be performed concurrent with DC instruction
execution. The enablement of this mode, the number of words to be transferred,
and the data storage or access location(s) in main memory shall be under software
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