| ![]() MIL-W-85057(AS) Timing- While operating the computear test program of,
the 50-kHz clock outputs from the WDC shall be measured to ensure conformance
to 3.501.8. Reference Voltages - Measurements shall be made of the three
reference voltages at full load to verify that the requirements of
are met. 5-Vdc Power Output - The WDC 5-Vdc output, specified in,
shall be verified under no-load conditions. Each power supply shall be tested
uncles full load for + 2 percent tolerance on the 5-Vdc output during subassembly
4.7 Reconditioning of Tested Equipment - Equipment which has been
subjected to initial production, acceptance and life tests shall be
reconditioned by the contractor by replacing all wear or damaged items.
After reworking the contractor shall resubmit the equipment for acceptance.
4.8 Presubmission Testing - No item, part or complete equipment shall
be submitted by the contractor until it has been previously tested and
inspected by the contractor and found to comply, to the best of his knowledge
and belief, with all applicable requirements.
4.9 Rejection and Retest - Equipment which has been rejected may be
reworked or have parts replaced to correct the defects and resubmitted for
acceptance. Before resubmitting, full particulars concerning previous
rejection and the action taken to correct the defects found in the original
shall be furnished the Government inspector.
5.1 General. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order all
major units and parts of the equipment shall be preserved, packaged, packed
and marked for Level A in accordance with Specifications MIL-E-17555 and
MIL-STD-794. In the event the equipment is not covered in Specification
MIL-E-17555, the method of preservation for Level A shall be determined in
accordance with the selection chart in Appendix D of MIL-STD-794 and Method
II A of MIL-P-116.
6.1 Intended Use - The WDC is intended to be used to perform the
computational functions for the AN/ASB-l9(V) Angle Bomb Bombing Set as
used in the A-4M aircraft.
6.2 Ordering Data - Purchasers should exercise any desired options
offered herein, end procurement documents should specify the following:
(1) Title, number, and date of this specification.
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