| ![]() MIL-W-85057(AS) S ynchro-to-Digital Conversion - Three separate synchro SignalS
proportional to sin and cos shall be simultanaously applied to the WDC.
The WDC derived value of each and the conversion time shall be measured by
computer test program specified in to varify the requirements of and The conversion accuracy shall also be verified In
the same manner at extreme high (+60C) l nd low temperatures (-40 C) during
qualification test.
. Analo&to-Digital Conversion -Analog input signals in the
range from -10 Vdc to +10 Vdc shall be applied to the WDC. For each analog
input signal, conversion accuracy and conversion time measurements shall be
made by the computer test program specified in to verify the requirements
of and
. Weapon Delivery Computer Functional/Performance Test - Functional/
performance tests shall be performed on each WDC to verify that the Section 3
requirements are met. A functional test program, operating in the DC, shall
be used In conjunction with the common support equipmente The functional test
program shall be lpproved by the procuring activity. Functional/Perfornunca Veriftcation - The functional test
program shall include a pass/fail history for Section 3 requirements defined
by Table III to be tested (or group of requirements if tested collectively).
Demonstration of the correct execution of the functional test program and
examination of the pass/fail histories shall be used to verify that the
Section 3 requirements are met. In addition, additional test data/measurements
shall be obtained on the first unit undergoing functional performance testing
to verify the functional test program algorithms used in testing the following
I/0 (
Serial channels (
Data formatting (
Throughput (
Throughput with BIO (
System timing (
Synchro-to-Digital signal converter (
A/D signal converter (
Conversion (
Verification that the requirements of (BITE) are met shall only
require the demonstration of the performance of the associated WDC hardware
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