| ![]() MIL- A-23622
0peratio nal check -
Accept ance operational chec k - Each actuator shall be
operated through five complete cycles at rated load to determine satis-
factory operation, The time and current required for operation shall be
observed as in indication of faulty or defective units, and shall be within
the limits specified on the applicable MS drawing, Measurements shall be
made to verify compliance with overtravel (3.4,7,2), operating stroke
(, operating rate (8.4.11) and endplay (3.4,$). There shall be
no noticable arc-over between electrical contacts, terminals, or parts
having a difference of potential between themf nor shall there by any
evidence of malfunction or failure.
Monitored operational chec k - The actuator shall be
operated through a minimum of five complete cycles, of which at least
one cycle shall be of instantaneous reversal. For this check the opera-
ting load shall be uniformly applied over the full rated stroke so as to
oppose both extension and retraction. With limit switches bypassed$ the
first cycle in each direction shall be run into the mechanical stops at
each end. Starting and running current shall be measured and normal
electrical operation (particularly commutation) shall be observed by
means of an oscilloscope connected across the motor terminals. Measure-
ments shall be made to verify compliance with overtravel (3.4,7.2) opera-
ting stroke (, operating rate (3,4.11} and endplay (3.4.8), There
shall be no noticable arc-over between electrical contact terminals or
parts having a difference of potential between them, nor shall there be
any evidence of malfunction or failure;
Stall force - The actuator shall be subject to a moni-
tored operational check ( except that the load shall be gradually
increased from rated load in increments of 25 percent thereof during each
extension or retraction until the actuator stalls. Stall force shall be
measured. With electrical power removed, actuator irreversibility shall
be checked with this maximum stall force applied.
Dimensional check - Parts of the actuator that are sub-
ject to wear shall be measured in the sequence as shown in Table 1. There
shall be no excessive wear as shown in the difference between the initial
measurements and the final measurements.
Static limit load - While in maximum extended position,
the actuator shall be subjected to static limit load ( without
incurring any damage or permanent deformation of any component, Irreversi-
bility of the power screw (3.4,9) with associated gearing only (without
benefit of braking or motor inertia) shall also be verified under this
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