| MIL-B-62152A(AT)
of a door. Facilities shall have capacity to support the full load of 40 passengers plus driver for
not less than 4 hours continuous travel. Exterior drain and water inlet connections shall be
indexed so that the drain hose cannot be connected to the water inlet, and the connections shall be
clearly marked for identification.
3.5.12 Ambulance equipment. The vehicle shall be furnished with additional equipment
for the care and treatment of litter and ambulatory patients as specified herein. Litter kit. The bus shall accommodate not less than 18 litters
(FSN 6530-783-7205, Litter Folding, Folding Pole, and FSN 6530-783-7905, Litter, Folding
Rigid Pole) suspended in three tiers along each side of the bus and four seated attendants or shall
be converted to seat not less than 36 ambulatory patients and four seated attendants. The vertical
clearance between litters measured from center to center of litter poles and between the top litters
and the roof shall be not less than 22 inches (26 inches desirable) to allow space to render
treatment of litter patients. Nominal dimensions of litters are 90 inches long, by 22-3/4 inches
wide and 6-1/2 inches high. Litter support installation shall provide not less than 6 inches from
ends of litters to front attendants seat(s); not less than 14 inches from nearest rearward vertical
obstruction; and shall have not less than 8 inches between handle ends of remaining litters with
approximately equal spacing at each end of the central bank of litters. The installation shall
secure litters effectively without discomfort to patients. Litter supports shall be furnished as
specified. Web straps, chains and complicated holding straps will not be acceptable. Adjusting
nuts on the litter retention devices shall be captive. Additional design and construction criteria. All litter supports and attachments
shall be adequate for safe support of 250-pound patients on the litters under all static and mobile
operating conditions specified herein or resulting from normal operation. Litter support
installation shall effectively reduce lateral or longitudinal sway of the occupied litters during
normal acceleration, deceleration and turning. Use of shock absorbing support members for
limiting transmission of road shock to the litter patients must be considered in the design and
utilized to the maximum practicable extent.
* Litter supports. Litter support brackets shall be of the cantilever type mounted
on support posts so as to be readily removable. Support posts shall fold away against the side of
the vehicle. They shall be of aluminum alloy construction in accordance with Douglas
drawing No. 5928496-1. Each bracket shall have two built-in channels with attached
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