| ![]() MIL-C-18244A(WEP)
Design Approval - The procuring activity shall retain the right to disapprove any
part of the design on the basis of nonconformance with the requirements of the contract or not being
in the best interests of the government.
Data Requirements - The design and test data listed herein are required, If
applicable design data are abailable, the contractor shall, in lieu of submitting new design data,
submit these available data supplemented by sufficient information to substaniate its applicability,
Design data shall be prepared and submitted as required by Specification MIL-D-18300 and shall
include the following:
Automatic Flight Control System Specification - A performance specification shall
be prepared by the contractor for the AFCS. The performance of the system and the various individ-
ual subsystems and components shall be specified. In addition, any special features or unusual
requirements shall be indicated. This specification shall also define the environmental criteria and
the testing required to show suitability for both the environment and the overall performance.
Installation details, weights, sizes, structural limitations shall be included as required by the design,
Preparation and format of this document shall be such that the areas of responsibility for the airframe,
external guidance, primary flight control system and AFCS are clearly defined. The specification
shall be prepared in accordance with the format outlined by Specification AV-5000.
Preliminary Automatic Flight Control System Report - Following the initial study
and analysis of the proposed system, a preliminary automatic flight control system report shall be
prepared and submitted to the procuring activity prior to manufacture of the prototype system. This
report may be combined with a quarterly progress report as required by Specification MIL-D-18300,
(a) A discussion of the airframe and aerodynamic characteristics, and
aircraft mission which were pertinent in the selection of the auto-
matic flight control system.
(b) A discussion of any unusual or difficult design features and problems,
(c) A discussion of and justification for any contemplated deviations from
the applicable specifications. Approval will be required from the
procuring agency for such deviations.
(d) A discussion of the tie-in of the AFCS to the overall flight control system,
(e) A block diagram of the AFCS. This diagram shall clearly indicate the
normal control paths, redundance, manual overrides, emergency
provisions, tie-in of external elements and the control surfaces to be
(f) A general description of the AFCS and a discussion of the theory of
operation. The various modes of operation should be explained in detail.
(g) A discussion of the stability of the AFCS and its relation to the overall
stability of the airplane. This may be in the form of Bode, Nyquist or
root locus plots, etc. for small perturbations. Data shall also be pre-
sented for large amplitudes taking into account the main nonlinearities
such as limits on actuator rates and position.
(h) Data should be presented in response to commands and disturbances,
speed of response, overshot, damping. accuracy, etc. These data
should also take into account the main nonlinearities.
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