| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
steel box. Note to ordering activities: Normally
(c) Procurement Of parts by the supply system.
the number of sets of special maintenance tools
(d) Installation, operation, maintenance and
should be the same as the number of sets of onboard
repair, without manufacturer's assist-
repair parts; however, the number of sets may be
increased as required by the size and organization
of the ships. Class A and class D drawings, covering
air compressors under this specification, are iden- Operating tools. - Each set of special
tical as far as form and content are concerned.
operating tools required by a contract or order shall
Class A drawings and any modifications thereof shall
consist of tools, such as valve wrenching plates,
be approved only by the Bureau of Ships. Bureau of
normally required to operate one compressor. Each
Ships field representatives may approve the drawings
set of specia l operating tools shall be furnished in a
as class D drawings only (thereby authorizing manuf-
separate steel box. Note to ordering activities
acture without waiting for Bureau of Ships action),
Normally a set of special operating tools shall be
and at the same time or subsequently may recommend
ordered for each compartment in which an air com-
to the Bureau of Ships that the drawings be considered
pressor of the type ordered is installed.
as class A drawings. Tools which are available in the Navy Master plans or type I drawings fur-
Stock List of General Stores, (copies of this stock
nished under earlier editions of MI L-D-963 and the
list may be consulted in the office of the Government
earner edition of this air compressor specification
Inspector) such as common wrenches and standard
are considered as fulfilling the requirements of class
pullers, will not be required. Standard complete or
A drawings under this specification, regardless of
limited sets of pullers or parts of puller sets in
the source of approval of those drawings. However,
accordance with G GG-P-781 shall be identified as
approval of modifications, to those drawings after the
to type and use in notes on the outline or section
date of this specification shall be by the Bureau of
assembly drawi ngs, Special tools shrill be detailed,
Ships only.
and included in the list of material. Class B drawings. - Class B drawings
3.6.4 Stock, - The selection, stock numbering
shall be furnished as a supplement to all class A and
and quantities of repair parts for stock shall be in
class D drawings required under a contract or order.
accordance with MI L-P-15137.
They arw not required in connection with class C
drawings. Unless otherwise specified in the con-
tract or order, the cognizant supply demand control Class C drawings, - Class C basic design
draw ings covering air compressors under this speci-
point for repair parts for stock is Ships Parts Con-
trol Center, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
fication are to be submitted to the Bureau of Ships
prior to and independent of invitations for bids or
requests for proposals or quotations. An approved
3.7 Drawings. - All drawings and lists shall
class C drawing is a prerequisite for award of con-
conform to MI L-D-963, with exceptions and addi -
tional requirements contained herein.
tract or order (see 6. 2). Each drawi ng may cover
several classes of compressors so long as they are
of the same basic design.
3.7.1 Drawings of the following classes shall be
furnished as required by the contract or order: Class C drawings shall show basic
design with sufficient clarity, completeness and detail
Class A - Master drawings
as to permit a thorough evaluation of characteristics,
Class B - Certification data, outline drawing,
performance and quality of the design against the
drawing lists.
requirements of this specification and to provide
Class C - Basic design drawings
reasonable assurance to the Bureau of Ships that air
Class D - Ship equipment drawings
compressors manufactured in accordance with the
design will meet the requirements of this specifica -
3.7.2 Class A and Class D drawings .- Class A
and class D drawings shall conform to approved
class C drawings and shall be so complete as to A class C drawing may indicate a vari-
ation in materials from that called for in Table I, and
if approved by the Bureau of Ships that variation in
(a) Evaluation of performance and quality of
material shall take precedence over the correspond-
the equipment against requirements of
ing material in table I subject to All such
this specification,
(b) Evaluation of operational and personnel
material variations shall be specifically pointed out
in the transmittal letter. Approval of a class C
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