| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS) Subassemblies furnished as repair
drawing does not preclude the requirement for class
parts in lieu of or in addition to individual repair
A or D drawings and class B drawings applicable to
parts shall be recorded on the related outline draw-
4 particular contract or order.
ings by reference notes or as additional items on the
"List of Material" of the sectional assembly drawing,
3.7.3 Format .- The manufacturer's commer -
cial format may be used if the requirements for Detail drawings.- Detail drawings
drawing content (see 3.7. 4), material identification
shall be furnished of all parts and subassemblies
(3.7.5), and drawing identification (see 3.7.6) are
necessary for evaluation of the equipment, and of all
parts necessary for maintenance, and overhaul of the
equipment. Details of these parts shall be so com-
3.7.4 Drawing content. -
plete as to permit emergency manufacture by a Naval
shipyard without assistance from the original manu- General requirements for all classes.
facturer. Details of such parts as crankcases and
cylinder blocks shall be furnished, but the dimen-
3. "Manufacturer's Use Only ' notes. -
Information intended for manufacturer's use only
sioned development of cored hydraulic passages need
shall be so designated. Conversely) on a commer -
not be shown. Subassemblies whose parts can not be
procured or serviced individually, should be shown
as a single part and so indicated. Multidetail draw
ings are preferred but monodetail drawings may be
used. It is recommended that details of
parts common to all or several classes of compres-
sors be grouped together on the same sheet (s), and
likewise that all details applying to a single class be Type and contents of class A and class
grouped together on the same sheet(s).
D draw ings. - Draw ings of the types specificed in
3. 7,4.3 Contents of class B drawings. - A class
3. ' through 3. 7 .2.3, 1 shall be furnished
B outline drawing including certif ication data shall"
3. Sect ional assembly drawings shall
show all critical ass embly and running cleara nces
The sectional assembly drawings shall also refer-
ence the preproduction test, high impact shock test,
and inclination test reports, and the bureau or In addition to the certification data
agency letters approving those reports, except that
when a general arrangement drawing (see 3. 7. 4.3. 1)
required by MI L-D-963 the class B drawings or
is used, this data may be referenced on the general
arrangement drawing.
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