| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
"General Arrangement" drawings shall contain the
drawings of individual parts shall be included in
specific cases if required by the Bureau of Ships for
evaluation and approval.
(a) Complete performance data of compres-
sors, prime mover, and all auxiliaries.
3.7.5 Material identification. -
(b) Table of weights of individual components
and weight of complete unit, Preferred material reference. - Where
(c) Identification of piping fittings which con-
material specifications are required by 3. 4 to be in-
nect to shipbuilder's piping, showing
dicated on the drawings, and where mater ials of iden -
their size and type.
tical or equal quality can be identified by more than
(d) Center of gravity of the compressor com-
one specification or standard, the drawings need ref-
ponent and of the complete assembly.
erence only one such specification or standard. In
(e) Radii of gyration of complete assembly
selecting the specification or standard to be refer-
about each of the three principal axes
enced the following is the order of preference:
(required only if equipment is sound
(a) Federal Specification.
(b) Military specification. Onboard repair parts list. - A list of
(c) Industry and Technical Society specifica-
onboard repair parts shall be furnished with class
tion or standard.
B drawings, This list shall be prepared on "Pro-
(d) Manufacturer's specification or standard.
visioning List" forms in accordance with MIL-P-
15137 with the additional requirement that the list Material substitutions. - Where mate-
rials other than those covered by (a), (b), and (c)
shall be assigned a manufacturer's drawing number.
of 3. 7.5, 1, are referenced and approved, the draw-
The forms shall be assigned sheet 2, sheet 3 and so
ings shall show the complete chemical and physical
forth of the class B drawing. This list shall be fur-
nished whether or not the parts are required in a
properties of the approved material. In addition, the
compressor contract or order. The list shall not
drawings shall identify the material in terms of the
be modified to indicate parts or quantities of parts
Federal or Military specification, most nearly appli-
cable, in order to enable Naval repair facilities to
furnished under supplementary or separate con-
make emergency repair as necessary from Navy
tracts or orders. The list is intended as a record
material stocks.
of recommendations of the manufacturer and com-
pressor purchaser at the time of the compressor
purchase. The list of onboard repair parts actually
3.7.6 Drawing identification. - As indicated in
purchased shall be proposed as required by MIL-
MI L-D-963, Bureau of Ships drawing numbers are no
longer assigned, hence, the manufacturer's drawing
P-15137 and need not include a manufacturer's
number is now the sole reference identification.
drawing number.
"Manufacturer" in this case is defined as the company
which produces the part, or parts, shown on the draw- Contents of class C drawi ngs.- The
purpose of class C drawings is specified m
These drawings shall consist of small scale (not Prime vendors who purchase items from
necessarily to scale) plan and elevation views show-
subcontractors shall use the subcontractor's drawing
ing over-all dimensions. If the plans cover a fam-
number as the single reference identification in all
ily of compressors all of the same design, the di-
cases where the part(s) delineated thereon are pro-
mensions may be tabulated. The range of capacities,
duced by the subcontractor. The prime vendor shall
pressure and speeds shall be shown. These draw-
not add his drawing number to the drawing except as
ings shall include an undimensioned sectional assem-
an unofficial reference outside the drawing border or
bly with complete list of material which shall include
every part required in the compressor and auxiliary
assembles. Cooling systems, lubrication systems Prime vendors who purchase parts from
of running gear and cylinders, and automatic sepa-
subcontractors for final production, test or selection
rator drainage systems shall be clearly delineated.
phases in their own shops, have the option of using
If materials of some parts may change with various
as the single drawing identification either their own
compressor characteristics, a table shall be in -
title block and drawing number or the title block and
cluded to show these variations. Alternate subas-
drawing number of the subcontractor, but not both.
sembly arrangement of different parts may be
included as desired.
3.7.7 Prints for approval. - Detail drawings of individual parts
are not normally required in connection with class Approval of drawing by either the Bureau
of Ships or its field representatives does not relieve
C drawings, but may be included if desired by the
the vendor or manufacturer of complete responsibility
manufacturer for clarification. However, detail
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