| ![]() MIL-C-18419B(SHIPS)
for furnishing equipment meeting all performance
3.8.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract
requirements and characteristics required by the
or order, equipment manuals shall be in accordance
with requirements of MIL-M-15071. A separate
contract or order.
manual shall be furnished for each different compres- Prints of the following class A and
sor unit except in special cases when manuals cover-
ing more than one compressor may be approved.
class D drawings shall be submitted for approval
prior to manufacture of equipment: Sectional assem-
Preliminary manuals submitted for approval shall
include all proposed sections complete.
bly and elevation drawings (see 1), outline
drawings and detail drawings of the following parts:
3.8.2 Illustrations. - The following illustrations
Bedplates and sound isolation arrangements, crank-
shafts, crankcase sections, cylinders, pistons,
shall be included m the manuals:
connecting rods, air valves, intercoolers, after-
coolers, separators, diagrams of all fluid systems,
(a) Two photographs, taken 180 degrees apart
bearings, automatic separator drain system, tem-
on a horizontal plane.
perature monitoring system, lubricators and gage
(b) Reduced size reproductions of approved
board layout. (Note: If manufacture has been auth-
outline, assembly and sectional drawings
of the complete unit.
orized immediately upon signing of a contract based
(c) Approved drawing excerpts and exploded
on previously approved class C drawings, then class
A or class D- drawings shall be submitted for ap-
view.s of parts or assemblies requiring
proval within 60 days after the date of the contract)
detailed instruction.
(d) Master drawings covering the motors and
controllers. After approval, each drawing shall
(e) Complete operation and maintenance
be lettered or stamped with the approval notation
which shall include reference to the letter of ap-
instructions covering electrical equipment.
proval and the drawing class for which approval is
(f) Thorough Instructions for changing from
received (class A and class C from Bureau of Ships
one type of lubricant to the other.
only). In addition, the notation on the sectional as-
3.8.3 Distribution. - Two copies of manuals shall
sembly drawing shall indicate satisfactory compli-
ance with this compressor specification,
be packed with each compressor unit. Additional
copies of manuals shall be furnished as specified (see
6. 1). If final manuals are not available at the time Responsibility for all other detail
drawings. (3. 7.4.2. 3) rests with the vendor. Each
compressors are shipped then two copies of prelim-
such drawing shall bear a notation indicating review
inary manuals shall be packed with each compressor
unit; and the final manuals shall be delivered at a
and approval by a responsible official of either the
vendor or his subcontractor, The notation shall
later time in accordance with MIL-M-15071.
include the name or initials of approving of ficial,
his title and the date of approval. Prints of these
drawings need not be furnished to the Bureau of
4.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or
Ships or its field representatives prior to delivery
purchase order, the supplier is responsible for-the
of the final drawings, unless specifically requested.
performance of all inspection requirements as speci-
fied herein. The government reserves the right to Prints of class B drawings shall be sub-
perform any of the Inspections set forth in the speci
mitted for approval at the same time as submittal
fication where such inspections are deemed necessary
of the class A or class D drawings'. If the class B
drawing is submitted covering previously approved
to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed
class A drawings, prints of the class A drawings
shall accompany the class B drawing for informa -
4.2 Quality control system. - The contractor
shall provide and maintain a quality control system
acceptable to the Government for the supplies covered Prints of class C drawings shall be sub-
by this specification. The system of quality control
mitted to the Bureau of Ships for approval (see 3.1
shall be in accordance with MIL-Q-9858 supplemented
as specified in 4. 2.1 to 4. 5.4.7 inclusive.
3.7.8 Drawings for drivers and associated
4.2.1 Description of procedures. - Procedures
equ ipment shall be in accordance with the specifica-
shall be assembled m manual form and shall indicate
tions for those equipments.
organization and responsibility for the control of
3.8 Equipment manuals (technical manuals) (in-
struction books). -
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